Dear Mr Madman

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It was Terezi who found her in the end. The blind girl stumbled into the room hours later, to find the floor coated in a thin layer of a slippery, cherry scented liquid. Her red eyes widened in horror. She knew what that meant. Hurriedly she searched the room, feeling around for a corpse. After a while, she found one. It was Gamzee, a ragged hole in his chest and a strong smell of grape hanging around his body. She narrowed her eyes in disgust and spat on his corpse for good measure. She then continued looking for the source of the red substance, and as the smell of cherries grew stronger, she stumbled upon Rose's body. Her arms and legs were bent at awkward angles and her head lolled to the side. A small gasp escaped Terezi's lips and a hand flew to her mouth. Tears welled in her eyes as she realised it was Rose, who had come so far just to see Kanaya, who's body Vriska had found in the main room a little while before she had left. Terezi picked up Rose's limp body and as she carried her, she could swear she heard a quiet voice singing:

She was my sunshine, my only sunshine.
She made me happy when skies were grey.
She'll never know now, how much I loved her.
Because a madman took her life away.

She was my sunshine, my only sunshine.
But a madman took her away.
I hope that he knows that I will find him.
And I will make that highblood madman pay.

Dear Mr Madman, I hope that you know.
She made me happy when skies were grey.
But she is gone now, so I'll make you pay.
Madman, I'm gonna take your life away.

She was my sunshine, my only sunshine.
But then the madman took her away.
He didn't know then, how much I loved her.
If he did, then he would've run away.

Because I took the highblood madman's life away.

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