You Are My Sunshine

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Rose woke up with a start. Today was the day she was going to see Kanaya! Jade had arranged for Rose to be transported to the meteor early. Rose immediately jumped up and went to find Jade. She picked up a small purple box with a green bow as she left and stuffed it in her Sylladex. It was a present for Kanaya. She had recorded herself singing 'You Are My Sunshine' and put it on a CD as a gift for when she got there. She left and found Jade sitting on the ground outside. "Ready Rose?" She asked, standing up. "Yes." Rose replied, "I'll see you guys again soon, right?" Jade nodded at her friend, "Definitely." Rose took a deep breath and said, "Ok. I'm ready." "Bye Rose." Jade said. Rose shook her head, "See you soon. Not goodbye." Jade nodded, "See you soon then Rose." Both girls locked eyes for a second, then Jade raised her hands, and Rose was gone. For a moment there was a moment like falling, then Rose's feet hit the ground and she opened her eyes. She was greeted by Kanaya nearly bowling her over with a hug. "Rose! You're Here!" She grinned, "Finally! I Thought You'd Never Arrive!" Rose smiled at the grinning troll and replied, "Me too Kanaya. I'm so glad I'm finally here!" She looked around, suddenly confused, "Where's everyone else?" She asked. Kanaya's expression turned from happy to concerned, "There's A Bit Of A, Um, Situation Here." "What kind of situation?" Rose asked worriedly. "Gamzee's Gone Mad And We Don't Know Where He Is, But He's Killing People Left Right And Center So We Need To Get Out Of Here Before He Fi-" Just then, the door burst open. Standing in the doorway, covered in olive and dark blue blood, was Gamzee. Kanaya gasped, seeing the blood, and whispered, "Equius and Nepeta! He Killed Them!" Gamzee heard, and chuckled menacingly, "I sure did..." he said quietly, "I SURE MOTHERF*CKIN DID! Honk...HONK!" He walked closer, swinging his clubs and muttering 'honk' repeatedly under his breath. Rose and Kanaya tried to back away, but were stopped by the wall. Suddenly he lashed out at Rose, knocking her to the side and leaving her unconscious. "Rose!" Kanaya yelled, glaring at Gamzee, then taking out her chainsaw and launching herself at him. Gamzee laughed and raised his clubs. One swing at her side sent her crashing to the ground and her chainsaw flying out of her hands. Another swing at her head sent a dull thud echoing through the room. Kanaya looked at Rose one last time, then her vision faded and her body fell limp. Gamzee admired his handiwork for a while, then walked back towards the door, laughing cruelly all the way. Half an hour later, Rose awoke from her unconscious state to find Kanaya dead on the floor, her shirt and skirt stained green and her chainsaw cracked and broken beside her. She tried to scream but her voice wouldn't work. Tears blurred her vision and ran down her cheeks. She kneeled next to Kanaya's body and cried. She cried until no more tears would come. Then her grief turned to anger, anger towards the highblood who had killed the girl she had travelled across galaxies to see. She stood slowly, pulled out her wands from her pockets, and began to walk, singing as she went:
She was my sunshine, my only sunshine.
She made me happy when skies were grey.
She'll never know now, how much I loved her.
Because a madman took her life away.
Her pace quickened to a jog, and her song changed:
She was my sunshine, my only sunshine.
But a madman took her away.
I hope that he knows that I will find him.
And I will make that highblood madman pay.
She was sprinting now, and her song had changed again:
Dear Mr Madman, I hope that you know.
She made me happy when skies were grey.
But she is gone now, so I'll make you pay.
Madman, I'm gonna take your life away.
She rounded a corner and ran onto what seemed like a rafter across a plain room below. Gamzee stood at the other end, a triumphant glint in his eye. "So the girl is awake..." he whispered, "WELL WE'LL JUST HAVE TO FIX THAT, WON'T WE?!" He ran and threw a club at her, at the same time Rose whipped her wands out and shot a beam of light towards Gamzee. Two things happened at once. The beam of light hit Gamzee and blasted a hole through his torso, tossing him across the room like a ragdoll. The club hit Rose with a sharp crack, knocking her backwards off the rafter to land on the floor, her limbs sprawled, and a pool of red slowly forming around her.

Rose x Kanaya SadstuckWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu