chapter one: hello, stranger

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Spain - April, 2021


- Jordan? Are you ready? - I yell one more time for my sister, as I've been waiting for at least thirty minutes in the comfortable chair that was sitting in a corner of our hotel suite. - I swear if you are not ready in the next five minutes I will call Jake and tell him to cancel and get myself to bed.

- Jamie, knock it off. I am almost done. it's our bachelor(ette) party celebration, you can't just ask Jake to cancel it to go to sleep. - She yells back at me from the bathroom.

So, my older sister, Jordan, is getting married in a few days to Jake Wilson, and they decided to have their wedding on the beach in Mallorca, and their reception, at the Villa where they first met during their time in the dating reality show Love Island three years prior.

I got up from where I was sitting to go check on her, but I heard a knock on the door that made me turn my body around going the opposite way instead. As I open the door, peeking at who was on the other side, making sure the person wouldn't be able to see my almost naked sister inside, I see him, for the first time since what happened last year and I feel my cheeks blushing right away.

- Hello, Tim. How can I help you? - I say firmly and I hope my voice won't fail me.

He takes his time processing whatever it is that may be going through his head at the moment and I step out of the room closing the door behind me as I take a deep breath.

- Uhm... I... I came to check how Jordan is doing. Jake is freaking out downstairs, thinking she got cold feet... I had no idea you would be here with her, Jamie. - I laugh, pleased at myself at how flustered he seems to be. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

- You didn't know I would be here? It's my sister's wedding. Where did you expect me to be? - I say, looking at him, more serious this time, rolling my eyes at him. - And don't worry, she is almost done. I don't think there is such a thing as cold feet for their bachelor bash thingy, that's more of a big wedding day thing. Anyway, we will meet you guys downstairs soon. - I say as I go back inside, closing the door behind me again, not giving him time to answer. But I can hear him lean against the door and I do the same, taking a few deep breaths, and pressing my hands against my chest, feeling my heart go all kinds of crazy.

- Who was at the door, Jamie? - I hear my sister yell from the room where she is now finally getting dressed and I walk towards her. She was wearing a beautiful green dress that was the same color as her eyes and complemented perfectly her long auburn hair that was now in an updo style.

- It was Tim, he came to check on you, apparently he was worried you were having cold feet. - I say laughing, putting my happy face back on for my sister.

- And care to tell me why does it look like you just saw a ghost? - She says, giving me a smirk and made me roll my eyes.

- 'Cause that's exactly what just happened, you know that. But tonight isn't about me, so, let's celebrate your love! Are you finally ready? - I say, brushing my feelings aside, mentally trying to get myself together, and I avoid her eyes.

- Okay, if you say so. How do I look? - She asks, motioning to her whole body.

- You look smoking hot! Jake won't know what hit him when he sees you. But we are late, everyone is waiting for us in the lobby, let's go. - I say making my way to the door with her following a little behind, all ready to go meet their small friend group that will be joining us in the club they chose.

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