Secrets Revealed.

902 31 13

"Hey there everyone and this is my face, as many of you have seen on Markiplier's recent vlog.."

I took a deep breath again after that intro line, my eyes flitting down to the floor then back to the camera. Keep talking. Keep talking. 

"The reason I hid myself from you all is because of my family and my social anxiety. My family never believed in Youtube, And Mom, Dad, if you're watching this, I'm sorry I never told you but this channel has been a dream come true for me." I bit my lower lip in nervousness. "To my fans, I know this might come as a shock because I know some of you may prefer no facecams, and I can keep that up if you guys want, but I'm just letting my identity be known. From this moment on, I'll be trying to meet as many as you as possible, but do not feel discouraged if I look uncomfortable around you.'

I smiled at the camera, more for myself to calm my nerves. "Tell me what you guys would want more in the comments, no facecam still or a facecam. And please.. Don't call me stupid for my accidental reveal. It was stupid, believe me, I know. But some things happen for a reason." I shrugged and smiled again, then looked back at the boys. Mark was smiling widely and Arin was still munching on my Funyuns. I waved them over and looked back to the camera. 

"Expect to see more of this weirdo, because he is my neighbor." I pointed back at Mark as they came walking over to the camera and ducked down into it's view. Arin smiled at the camera after swallowing his food and Mark waved. 

"But anyways, guys.. Thank you so much for understanding and I hope you're all happy that now you actually have a chance of meeting me! I'll see you all in the next video, but until then, bye!" I reached forward and hit the stop button,running my hands through my hair as soon as it dinged. Mark patted my back and Arin went back to laying on my bed. 

"You did good, (your name). Are you going to edit it?"

"Yeah, I'm probably just gonna have a black screen fading into my chair, but other than that, nothing. Make it all dramatic." I laughed to myself and loaded up my editing software, getting straight into it. Mark watched my screen then looked over to me. 

"Once this uploads, it could make certain news. You do have a million subs. You're not just a nobody Youtuber, y'know? I advise you tell your parents first." I stopped my editing and stared at the screen, imagining just what my parents would do if they read about me on the computer.. This just keeps getting harder and harder, huh? 

"Want me to finish the editing and uploading quick? You should go call them." Mark swatted my hand from the mouse and turned my chair, urging me to get off of it. I look back at him and to Arin, both of them looking at me expectantly. I never truly realized how bossy Mark is until now. He's keeping me on my game.

I got up and grabbed my phone off the desk, Mark taking my place. As I walked out of the room, Arin said a quiet "good luck" and I scoffed. My mom is going to take it okay but my Dad.. This is gonna piss him off. A lot.

Closing the door behind me, I hit the button to call their house phone. If I'm correct, my brother should also be there. A whole family confession. Fucking grand. 

"Hello, (your last name) household!" My mother's voice sang through the phone. She won't be singing for long.

"Hey Mom, it's (your name). Is Dad and Jeremy home?' I sounded strained and I really hoped she didn't notice.

"Hello, honey! Yes they are home, is everything okay? You sound a bit off." She would notice. 

I cleared my throat as I started walking to my living room, sitting down to somewhat try and relax my muscles. Today has been filled with tense moments, I'm gonna be aching tomorrow. 

A Youtuber's Romance [MarkiplierxReader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz