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"No! Annie don't jump!", it was Armin's voice that she heard in the distance.
No, it was too late and she didn't even want to see him.
"Annie!", she heard Armin scream and, as if by reflex, she turned around. In moments Armin reached her, grabbed her and pulled her away from the cliff. "Let go of me you monster!", she yelled at him and hit his chest. Over and over again.
Tears ran down her face. While Armin still held her. She didn't know how long it lasted, but at some point she got so tired that she just kept silent.
"I'm sorry Annie, but as a soldier I owe my homeland. You should know that. Eren even erased my memories till he was dead."
She was too tired to yell at him.
"So it was all just a game and I fell for it. What an idiot I am." She whispered, how could she have believed that he loved her.
"No," replied Armin. "Everything I said about us was the truth."
He hugged her tightly.
"But I can understand if you hate me now."
"How am I supposed to believe you one more word?" Tears ran down her cheeks again.
"If it weren't for that, I could have just dropped you after the mission was over." He explained in a calm voice. "But I didn't, it's over. The only reason I'm with you, why I've told you everything. Is because I love you and want you to be free."
She nodded and tiredly closed her eyes. Without wanting to, she fell asleep in Armin's arms.

For the first time in months she had no nightmares and was able to sleep. When she woke up she was lying in her bed. Outside the sun shone in through the window.
Slowly she straightened up and looked at the window where Armin was sitting on a chair and looking out of the window.
"Armin." She whispered, immediately he looked over at her and smiled tiredly.
"Join me." She reached out a hand to him, despite what he had told her. She wanted him with her. Armin got up and took her hand.
"Never go away again." She demanded as he sat down next to her on the bed. "Without you, I am lost. You are a monster, yes, but I love you."
Armin smiled again without saying anything.
"You won't leave me alone, do you?", Everything in her contracted.
"No," he replied, looking at the floor. "I'll stay with you as long as you want." Relieved, she sat up and looked directly at him. Her hand slipped over his cheek and slowly she approached his face. Before she kissed him, his warm lips pressed against hers and she almost lost herself completely in that one moment. She was home now.
Slowly she pulled away from him and looked at him. He looked incredibly tired, his eyes were empty. She wanted to say something but she didn't know what. So they just sat next to each other in silence.

Together they went to the ship. Mikasa was there too, the others had already left a few days earlier. She held Armin's hand and walked in beside him, lost in thoughts.
Sometimes it seemed so unreal that it was all over. That she was afraid of waking up one day and being in this hell again.
As soon as they were on board, it was already in motion. She and Armin strolled across the deck of the ship and were silent. They hadn't exchanged a word since they left the room. Armin was seldom so calm and she didn't know how to react to it. That they soon reached Paradis made her feel uncomfortable.
"Wait here," said Armin at the front of the ship before he broke away from her and disappeared into the cabin corridor.
Annie looked at the horizon where the sun was almost gone. It was beautiful and calm. She would never have thought that she could still live after everything that had happened and now she had even got so many years as a gift and that from Eren of all people.
What was going on inside him when he had to carry out Armin's plan. She leaned against the deck railing and took a deep breath. Maybe she should stop thinking about it. It wouldn't make it any better.
"Annie", she heard Armin behind her, she turned around, Mikasa was there too. She had never seen Armin smile like that before. Mikasa stood there with an expressionless face, arms crossed behind her back. Like the soldier she always was.
When Armin got down on his knees in front of her, her heart almost drobbed.

He had never been so nervous in his life. But he had to do it, he had to ask her.
He pulled a small box out of his pocket. The only thing his mother had left him back then.
Briefly opened it and looked at the filigree gold ring inside. Before he went to the door where Mikasa was already standing as agreed.
"Are you really sure Armin?", her eyes looked worried.
"Yes," he said determinedly before going back on deck. Where Annie looked out to sea. She was so beautiful. "Annie." He said, she turned around, you could see the confusion in her eyes. He got down on his knees and dug the box out of his jacket. He looked at Annie who was standing there petrified.
"Unfortunately we don't have one sweet, innocent love story." He began. "On the contrary, we were enemies. Nevertheless, I always wished it was different. We haven't been together for long and still I want to be able to call you my wife. Travel the world with you and start a family." Again he paused, his heart beated hard against his chest. "Mikasa is here to represent my family," he paused again.
"Because I want to ask you now. Annie Leonhardt, do you want to marry me?"

The end and a new beginning Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora