the ward

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Here are all the spaces in the ward
(Sorry it's a bit of a read 😅)

Yard: a closed in space between two buildings with grass and a few trees and bushes. There's a cement walkway connecting the two buildings on the sides and tree branches are trimmed at the bottom to avoid climbing and patients taking sticks and using them as weapons. There are some benches to sit on and a cute little wind chime handing in the corner. Please don't shake it and cause extra noise.
It's like a decently sized square of land closed in by doors on the north and south side. South door is locked and needs key card access. It leads to therapy, most security and staff rooms, file rooms, and other places. If you have a therapy session, a staff member will take you there.

Cafeteria: it looks just like a normal school cafeteria, with two long rows of tables and an area in the back where you get served food. Vegetarian, vegan, and other special foods are provided for patients with allergies or dietary preferences. Patients with allergies or dietary preference must wear a certain band that corresponds with said needs so lunch people can bring food quickly and not make any mix ups. Patients with ED's are watched a little more closely. Patients with no pencil privilege can't use knives (even if all the silverware is plastic) and if they try and cause harm with a fork that will be taken away as well. Don't forget to recycle! :)

Bedrooms: there are cameras in your room and depending on your um... Past history your bathroom will as well. It's a pretty simple bedroom with a bed, dresser, and closet with no door for you and your roommate (if you have one). The doors tops are slanted and most sharp corners are filed down to avoid "trying anything".
You aren't allowed to have your pillow over your face and staff check up on you in the middle of the night to see if you're sleeping. Your bedroom door locks from the outside using a key or a key card. It locks at certain times, so if you want to get in outside of those windows, you'll need to ask a staff member. There is a panic button inside the room incase of emergency. (Staff will come into your room)
For patients with tech privilege, chargers are super short and for kids under 14, electronics are put away at 9:25. For 14+ it's 10 (those are your bedtimes)

Common room: sort of like a living space for all patients. There's a sofa, a TV (on fridays the staff bring in a Wii and patients can play games together. Other times, there's a kid friendly movie playing. Patients can pick what to watch as long as it's rated pg or lower.). A couple chairs to sit on, and board games on a bookshelf.

Therapy room: most of them are pretty generic. A desk, office chair, sofa with a comfort blanket, and maybe a few things your therapist of choice added for some flavor (Ex: a pride flag, photos, fairy lights, paintings, etc). Therapy dogs can be provided during therapy time if the patient needs one. (Recommend for younger kids or patients with bad anxiety or have panic attacks)

Art and academics: basically a classroom where it's more like being tutored (not including adult patients) when it isn't used as a classroom, it's used for art therapy, general arts and crafts, and a library. Mostly targeted for kids and teens, but adults can be there as well. Certain objects are kept organized in file cabinets for safety reasons. Crayons (and those twisty crayon pencils) and paper are easy to access, but you have to ask for a pencil, and make sure it isn't taken. Pockets are searched before leaving. You may check out a book and take it to your room.

Entrance room: looks like a generic waiting room with chairs lined against the wall and a receptionist desk. There is a few rooms off to the side for one on one talks, bagging check, and everything else you have to do before settling in. No shoe/hoodie strings, spiral notebooks, or sharp objects. They're taken/removed before entering.
On the plus side, free grippy socks!!! :)

Doctors room: your ordinary doctors office, crunchy paper bed cover included! How fun! They let you choose whatever fun bandaid you want. Patients with ED's are weighed for progress every now and again. Doctor isn't allowed to give away weight.

Staff only rooms:
Break rooms and camera/security room.

Hope I didn't forget anything.

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