Chapter 1: "Be careful."

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Dawn Cordelia. The girl that has never experienced fear in her life. She has never been scared of anything. Spiders, wolves, snakes, lions, tigers, sharks, and any other scary things didn't affect Dawn at all. Even DEATH itself didn't scare her.

Dawn was outside sitting on her parents' porch reading a book. Dawn's mother, Chara Cordelia called out for Dawn. "Dawn! Can you come here, please?" Chara says while holding little baby Hunter in her arms. Dawn gets up and walks into the house and into the living room. "Yes, ma'am?" Chara hands Dawn $10.00. "Can you go to the store and pick up some baby food for Hunter? He's running low." Dawn puts the money in her pocket. "Yeah. I'll go. I'll be back."  As Dawn walks out the door, her father, Seren Cordelia, calls out for her. "Hey, Dawn Where ya headed?" Seren yelled while fixing the family's car. "I'm headed to the store, dad" Dawn yelled back. "Oh okay. Make sure you get there and back here safe. You know there's been some murderers going around. Be careful." Seren said with caution. "I know dad. I'm not scared of murderers." Dawn runs to the store.

(Parents' POV)

Seren finishes fixing the family's car and proceeds to the living room. "Well, the car is all done, Chara." Seren sits down next to his wife and son. "That's great, dear!" Chara says with a smile. "Dawn's been at the store for a long time now, huh?" Seren says concerningly. "Yeah, you have a point, hun." Chara says. While they are starting to worry about their daughter, they hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it, Chara." Seren says while Chara walks to baby Hunter's room. Chara puts sleeping baby Hunter in his baby bed and cracks the door open. Seren opens the door and a tall man appears at the door.

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