Chapter 4: The Boy

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The boy starts to get up and rubs his head while looking around for Dawn. "Hey!! What was that for? I didn't mean to scare you. Please come back. I want to apologize to you. Where are you?" Dawn starts to slowly walk up to the boy with the stick tight in her hands. "Who are you? Are you a killer? Are you gonna hurt me?" Dawn asks scaredly. The boy puts his hands up to try to block the stick from hitting him. "Woah Woah Woah. Let's all calm down for a bit. Here, sit down and we can talk." The boy sits on an old bench and pats it, signaling Dawn to sit down. Dawn sits hesitantly. "Hi. Sorry for scaring ya. I honestly didn't mean it." the boy says while scratching his head. "So what's your name?" Dawn holds Hunter a little tight while hesitantly talking to the strange boy. "My name is Dawn. Dawn Cordelia." Dawn looks away, avoiding eye contact. "You have a pretty name. Who's this cute little baby here?" The boy points to Hunter in Dawn's arms. "This is my baby brother, Hunter." Hunter starts smiling and laughing. "He's really adorable, Dawn." The boy smiles softly. "Thanks. He's all I have now." Dawn kisses Hunter's forehead. "What do you mean? Where are your parents? Shouldn't you guys be with them?" The boy asks. Dawn starts crying. "What's wrong?" The boy looks at Dawn's face seeing her being distraught. "Oh. I get it. Your parents died, right? I'm sorry. Do you need a hug?" The boy reaches out his arms and hugs Dawn. Dawn looks at the boy and hugs him back. "Thank you. I think I needed that." Dawn says while wiping her face. "No problem." They both smile at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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