Chapter 1 - 'goddamit !'

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Hi there and welcome to this story !! Just like I stated in the description, this story is a do over from my old account !! Much changes have been done so if you so happened to have read this in the past then hopefully you wont feel too bothered by it. But if you're a new reader, then welcome and I hope you enjoy !!

[also i'd like to add that I haven't written in a really long time (this story was literally abandoned in the past lmao) so expect some mistakes and feel free to correct me !!]

P.s multiple pov changes


For one, Bakugou rarely gets sick.

But when he does, he treats it like nothing, ignoring it like he does all his problems in the world. To the point that he thinks –despite feeling his absolute worst– he could still take over the world and take down every single breathing living thing that dares question him.

Despite all this 'tough shit' talk though, he was still feeling his worst at the moment. But he persists and makes an effort -normally he didnt need to but spare him, he was feeling like shit- to get up from the comfort of his bed and actually prepare for today's classes. 

Today was the day they had been waiting for all week. Their weekly one on one sparring activity to see how far they've come along with all their training sessions.

'Just my luck.' He groans, mostly from irritation.

He hated it, but so be it. If the gods or whoever the fuck wants to fuck with him today, he will make sure to prove it to their faces that messing with his already shitty life is useless and that they couldn't do their job right, like the stubborn asshole he is.

Except this time he knew that no gods were trying to shit on him. This one particular situation was one of his doing, he knew it himself, he's just too stubborn and prideful to admit it. But who's to say it was completely his fault? Definitely not that Icyhot bastard who was -no, is the root of all evil that has to do with his current situation.

Had it not been for half n' half and his stupid antics, this wouldn't have happened in the first place.


As usual, upon arriving, the classroom was empty.

He smiled to himself.

He loved it when he was alone. He didn't feel the need to be number one, and no one was there to bother him. So, bored and out of it, he checks his phone and decides that he had all the time in the world to take a little nap.

In his slumber, he had dreamt that he was in an open garden somewhere surrounded by all sorts of flowers and greenery. The view was beautiful. It made him feel peaceful and these days, it was the only thing he could ask for. 

After moving to the dorms and being surrounded by his idiots and other extras 24/7, all he could ask for was a break, but because of the heightened security of U.A. after multiple incidents (yes Shigaraki it has everything to do with you and your emo band) they were barely allowed to roam about unless they asked permission or were accompanied by an authority.

Oh but of course... how could he forget? Silly Bakugou, how could he forget that the world has a vendetta against him and he's never allowed to get what he wants. Even if its just a little bit of quiet. 

There is a saying Bakugou seems to relate to a lot these days, 'all good things come to an end'. And well... damn Bakugou knows it, especially after his infamous track record of being put in all sort of negative situations that involved life or death. What the hell world. It seems that whatever sliver of happiness he achieves or gets, life has a way of putting it down.

To hell with it !! ∷ TodobakuWhere stories live. Discover now