Chapter 3 - '. . .'

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"Mmmwhahh-" Was the first thing Bakugou heard as he woke up. His head wasn't hurting anymore, and he felt a little better than earlier, though he was still exhausted.

Recovery girl stared at him from where she stood (on a stool by his bedside) to kiss him better. She didn't say anything and just kept staring, which creeped him out to be honest. So he awkwardly sat up from the bed and positioned himself so he could easily stand up to gather his things, recovery girl notices and stops him.

"Rest first Bakugou, you were excused by All Might." He nods at that, not wanting to argue with an old lady. He watches as she gets down from the stool to fix some of the messy supplies on the table across the room.

After lying back down on the bed, he recalls everything that happened this morning.

He remembers his class with Aizawa and All Might and tries to recall whatever topic they had for the day, but of course, nothing comes to mind, his brain was a mix of hazy and jumbled up memories of their lecture for him to understand anything. Suddenly vague pictures of his dream flashes in his mind. Its been a while since he's visited his grandma and her garden. And as much as he wasn't into the mushy emotional shit, he does actually miss her.

Sometimes, when he has nothing better to do and is stuck with his own annoying thoughts, Bakugou likes to think about random things that distract him from the awful ones (just like how he's always wondered how his mom managed to turn into the devil that she is when his grandma is a literal angel).


After Bakugou's match and the whole going unconscious fiasco, Todoroki couldn't stay still in his seat. They were in their last period now and he only had to endure another 25 minutes before they were dismissed for the day. Still, he couldn't help but think about Bakugou and his match with Sero.

On any other given day, Todoroki knows he wouldnt really care about the blond or whatever it is that he was doing. In fact he's always convinced himself of his distaste for the other. But what was it exactly that he hated, he wasnt sure. Maybe it was the way the other always carried himself, full of pride and unmatched confidence bordering into arrogance, or maybe it was simply the fact that he disliked how the blond treated everyone around him -especially Midoriya. But whatever, meddling into something he didnt exactly know the details about isnt the wisest thing to do, curiosity be damned.

Sometimes Todoroki wonders what exactly had shifted after Bakugou and he took the provisional license exam after failing their exams.

During that time, they had gotten closer with each other and learned how to work as a team. He was even surprised by how much Bakugou was willing to shove his pride aside and allowed himself to work with others. He liked Bakugou like that.

At the back of his mind he could faintly hear their teacher talking and finally wrapping up their lecture but he couldn't be bothered to even listen to that so he continued drifting off into his thoughts.

A few minutes later, classes were finally over. He immediately gets up from his seat and gathers all of his belongings, dumping it into his bag, not even bothering to arrange them.

"Oho... Todoroki-kun, why are you rushing? Excited to go somewhere?" Mineta teases from behind him. Huh, did he really look like he was rushing? Well if it was then he realizes he was acting silly. Bakugou was most probably stuck in the clinic he wouldn't go anywhere else.

"No, I'm heading to the clinic." He simply states, before taking his leave.

His statement left Mineta scratching at his head as he did not expect that answer. 'The clinic? Why the clinic? Bakugou?' Mineta wonders. Suspecting something after connecting the dots.


The clinic was just a few minutes away from the dorms so Todoroki decided to head there first to leave his bag and change from his uniform. Bakugou would for sure tell him to 'fuck off', as eloquent as ever, but of course he knows it in himself that he would never listen. He has after all never fazed from the likes of one Bakugou Katsuki.

He could see by the way Recovery girl reacted to his question that she didn't expect to see him there again. But he couldn't blame her, even he was shocked with the way he couldn't keep Bakugou out of his thoughts recently.

"Is Bakugou still here?" he asks once more.

She doesn't answer him verbally, instead she points to the curtain covered area in the corner. He nods before trudging towards the said direction and internally prepares himself for Bakugou's reaction to seeing him there.

What he didn't expect though, was for Bakugou to just stare at him as he sat on the bed. He thought Bakugou was going to shoo him away, but that definitely wasn't the case right now.

It was quiet for a while, minus the noise coming from Recovery girl, but it wasn't really awkward either, rather, he didn't know what to say to his blond classmate. If there was anything both of them excelled at besides being at the top of their class and being born with flashy quirks, it was sucking at small talk.

Not wanting to keep the silence even longer and unbearable, he blurts out a 'Are you okay...?' to the blond in front of him, and Bakugou just huffs in response. There was a long pause before Bakugou spoke.

"Why are you here?"

Exactly, why was he there?

"I just felt like it?" He finally says, more of a question than a statement.

Bakugou's eyebrows scrunch even deeper (if that was even possible, but well its Bakugou of course it is).

"I'm sorry about yesterday night... it was raining hard and I still asked you to help me find Aiko." Todoroki continues.

Bakugou stared at him as if he had just said something so horrendous.

"Look stupid, if I didn't want to help find that stupid cat of yours I would've ignored you and walked away. What makes you think you forced me into this shit? Don't tell me you actually feel guilty about this?"

"Oh." Was all he could muster. He then turns to look at the other before smiling at him. But instead of earning a smile back, the other looks away, mumbling incomprehensible words.

Todoroki wasn't sure if what he saw was real, but it looked like the other was blushing and that made him smile even wider.


The next day, Bakugou ignored every single question his classmates threw his way. He knew they were just curious and concerned, but he didn't want none of that. If he was going to be the number one hero, he was bound to get hurt or injured in their future missions anyway.

One thing he couldn't stop thinking about though was Half 'n half's sudden visit yesterday (not that he enjoyed it, mind you). He figured it was just because the other actually had the audacity to feel guilty for something that Bakugou decided to do on his own accord, but it kind of felt nice? He didnt know, but he dismissed the thought all together before he could even start reading too much into things.

"Yo... dude, what happened yesterday?" Kirishima asks him during their small break. He decided to answer the red head only because he liked his company.


"Did you know, as soon as you passed out, Todoroki rushed to you and brought you to the clinic, even when I insisted to take you there instead. He looked so cool dude!" the other rambled excitedly.

Now that was unexpected.

Not only did the fucking half'n half have the audacity to feel guilty over nothing, but now Bakugou had to find out that he was somewhat indebted to him or some shit.

He turns to the back where Todoroki was seated beside Pony tail and catches the other already staring at him.

Immediately he turns away and ignores the way he feels his face heat up.

God, something is wrong with him and he hates the fact that he feels like it had nothing to do with being sick.


A/n: oof another chapter done... Tho I didnt particularly like this much, I hope the future chapters will be better (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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