Kel's First Job.

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Summary: Kel gets a part time job at a newly opened fast food restaurant. This goes about as well as expected.

It was time.

Kel was going to start working at Generic Fast Food Place That Nells Can't Be Bothered To Name! GFFPTNCBBTN for short.

"Alright Kel. You only recently got your drivers license, but I'm going to put some faith in you and let you drive." Hero said.

"Thanks, Hero! I promise I won't let you down!" He grinned.

Hopping into the car, Kel knew that it would be a great day.

Approximately 5 minutes after thinking that...

Kel drove the car straight through the wall of the establishment.


Well, he could deal with that later. He had a job to do. Hero would be proud at his sense of responsibility!

And thus, Kel stepped out of the car to see that it was damaged. Not only that, there were also no employees on the job.

Oh, it was closed. Double oop.

Well, he couldn't just leave! That'd be kinda rude. So, he changed the sign from 'closed' to 'open'.

Soon enough, a customer walked in. "Hello? Oh thank God, someone is in here! Nobody's hurt! A-are you going to do something about the car that's through the wall?"

"Later. Can I take your order?"

"Um, while I'm in here.. can I get a Generic Burger?"

"Comin' right up!"

It was only halfway through getting the ingredients that Kel realized he had no idea how to cook a burger. Okay, um.. what would Hero do?

Hmm.. Hero follows instructions. So can I! In order to make a burger, you have to cook it. So, I'll just.. put it on the stove?

So he did. And then, he cranked up the heat.


Luckily, Kel managed to put out the fire and clean the foam off of the meat. Somewhat. And there was a sizable black spot on the stove, but it didn't look like anything could be done. Ah, well.

Next, the cheese. He didn't want to go through the fire thing again, so instead of melting it, Kel just put a slice of cheese on it and put it in between the bread. With his bare hands.

The burger was finished, and in record time too!

"Here's your food, sir!" Kel placed the burger right onto the counter and held out his hand for the money.

The customer stared at the burger in all its glory. A foam-covered slice of burnt meat, unmelted cheese, and two plain slices of bread.

"That'll be ten dollars, sir."


"..Sir? Are you alright?"


The customer walked away, leaving the masterpiece of a burger inside the restaurant and not paying for it.

"Well, that was rude. Is that what it's like to be an employee?" There was no way he'd be able to put up with that all of his shift.

What if.. I just leave a note and twenty dollars to pay for the damages and leave? That'd

So, Kel found a piece of paper and a pen, and began to write.

Hey, boss! I'm Kel, the guy you hired. I accidentally drove my brother's car through your restaurant. I also started a fire trying to cook the burger, and the customer didn't pay. Sorry. I left a twenty to pay for the damages. Let me know if you're gonna fire me.

P.S: You don't have to pay me back!

With that, Kel went on his way.


"And that's why the car is damaged."


"..Are you mad?"

"No, no, Kel, I'm not mad."

"Oh, good!"

"The reason I say that.."


"Is because 'mad'.. doesn't even BEGIN TO COVER IT!"

This was fun to write!

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