Kel commits crime

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Summary: Kel won't let his friends leave him.

It was a quiet morning, a few clouds drifting across the sky. At this time, most people would be kissing their spouses goodbye and heading off to work, or running outside to meet their friends.

But not Kel.

No, Kel was standing right outside a house with a door that hadn't opened for a long time now. He stared blankly at the place with all his childhood memories, ruined by a jumprope.

Mari and Sunny's home. Well, just Sunny's now, he supposed.

It had been a whole year since Mari passed away. A whole year since her father walked out on her mother and brother. Since her mother left too, and she rarely came back.

And a whole year since Sunny, Mari's brother, left the house at all.

Sunny was Kel's best friend. He was a great listener, smart, and funny. Kel missed him so much.

That was why Kel visited whenever he could. He knocked on Sunny's door. "Sunny? It's Kel. You want to come out today? I was thinking we could get Gino's, or maybe just hang out like old times?"

No response.

...was Sunny okay in there? Kel never thought about that before. His mother hadn't come to slip him groceries in a while. And Sunny certainly didn't go get them on his own.

What if he was starving? What if he was hurt? What if he was dea-

No. Kel couldn't think like that. Surely it wasn't that bad yet. He could stop this before it got to that point. But how?

...Oh, idea! Kel walked towards Sunny's fence, and decided to hop it. He leapt up, grabbed onto the top, and pulled himself up, then slid himself down the other side.

"Sunny! I'm in your backyard! Come out and tell me to go away!" He called out. No response, still.

...Looks like Kel would have to try harder.

He picked up the nearest rock, and tossed it through Sunny's window. The sound of glass breaking should alert him, right?

"Sunny, I'm going to break every single window in your house unless you come out right now!"

After nothing was said or done by Sunny, Kel did exactly as he said he would. Every single window was reduced to shards. "I did it! They're all broken! You should probably come out to see for yourself!"


That's it. Kel was done waiting.

He looked around the backyard, hoping to find something long. A ladder caught his eyes, and Kel knew what to do.

Kel used all his strength, placed the ladder below the window to Sunny's bedroom, and proceeded to climb it. "Sunny. If you're not coming out, I'm coming in."

He had reached the window. After struggling to yank open the frame so that he could fit through, Kel stuck his head and arms through.

"Sunny.." Oh. That explained it. Sunny was asleep. No wonder he didn't freak out.

Well, Kel couldn't just leave him be. Sunny would probably be terrified if he woke up to find all the windows broken. Besides, after watching Hero grieve, Kel knew for a fact that sleeping all day wasn't healthy.

Kel slid the rest of his body in, falling to the floor. "Oomph."

Somehow, Sunny didn't wake up, or even stir at that. He was still breathing- thank god- but it was shallow. Kel stood, and walked up to him. Maybe shaking him would wake him up?

"Sunny," Kel whispered, and gently grabbed his shoulder. "Sunny, wake up. I'm worried about you."

Finally, Sunny started to wake up a little. Not by much, but his face changed slightly. Kel shook him as much as he could without hurting him. "Sunny.. it's time to wake up. I want to hang out today."

Sunny slowly opened his eyes. He looked around, confused, and then his eyes landed on Kel.

"Sunny! Good mor.. afternoon! How are you feeling?" Sunny stared as if he didn't know what he was seeing.

Suddenly, he screamed. Wow, that was raspy.

"Sunny? Are you okay?" Kel was worried now. Not only did Sunny sound like a dying bird, but he was really scared too.

"ke-ke-kel-?" Sunny coughed out.

"Yeah, it's me! You sound sick, Sunny. What's wrong?" Kel felt his forehead. It was sweaty, and cold. Something was definitely up.

"wha-a-at- my hou-se, what are you-u doi-i-ing- in my-" Sunny's voice died in his throat.

Kel frowned. "Come on, let's go get you some water."

Sunny remained silent.

Kel grabbed onto Sunny's hand, and pulled him out of bed. "Can you walk?"

He nodded. Wow, was he sleeping in normal clothes? That might've made the sickness worse.

Kel lead him to the steps, and for some reason, Sunny froze. "Sunny? What's up?"

All he did was stare. He seemed.. scared.

Kel didn't know what was wrong, but he felt like it might've had something to do with the steps. "Oh, don't worry, Sunny! I'm not gonna make you walk down that many stairs when you're sick."

Sunny tensed in shock when he felt arms wrap around him. He squirmed as Kel lifted him up, and Kel couldn't hold back a smile. It was just so cute, the way he struggled.

Kel carried Sunny down the stairs with ease. Wow, he was as light as a feather. That probably wasn't good. "We'll get you something to eat, too."

Once they were successfully in the kitchen, Kel set him down onto the chair. Then, he went to the fridge and opened it up.

It was empty.


", ke-l?"

"...Has your mom not been feeding you?"

Sunny stayed silent. That was all Kel needed to know.

He couldn't help it, he hugged Sunny. "Oh, Sunny, I'm so sorry.. I should've broken in earlier!"

"th-thank you, kel. it-it's oka-yy.." It wasn't okay, in his opinion, but he trusted Sunny.

"Alright, Sunny.." Kel hummed. "We still need to get you some food, though! We'll have to go to Gino's or-"

Sunny's eyes widened. "n-no, no-"

Kel was confused. "No?"

"n-no, outside, no-" Oh, that explained it!

This was a problem, then. "Okay, no going to Gino's.. but it's still not healthy for you to stay inside and not eat all day, so.. maybe we could go to my house instead? It's a quick trip, and the only ones who'll be there are Hector and.. Hero."

Hero.. was acting just like Sunny right now. Maybe they could talk to each other about it?


"And then we'll be able to get some food in the both of you!" Kel cheered at the thought.


And off they went, to an ending that had a different route, but a similar result.

Kel is the friend we need but not the friend we deserve

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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