chapter 1.

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"What's so bad about across the fence?", she spoke. She thought it was quite a reasonable question until she felt the cold daggered stares of the rest of her student bodies pointing right at her. It created a chill on her skin which combated the hot sun that reflected of the posters that plastered her classroom walls. Her question was not only shamed by the other peers around her but in fact also by the looming shadow that stood at the front of the classroom. Ruler in hand, as she began her rant.

"Miss Plutonia did we or did we not just spend the last half an hour talking about the war? Yes, or no?"

Mars was silent, now she was regretting ever asking that damn question. She sank in her seat trying to disguise herself maybe if she were silent and still enough it would all stop. Everyone would forget she ever asked yet the torment continued.

"Well answer me Plutonia, did we or did we not just learn about the torment that the neptunium's rained on us vesuvians. The deaths they caused on both sides at that. The fence is there to protect us from them do not you, see? Over there they are monsters, they may look like humans but no human in their right mind would ever do what they did. You are 15 now you need to learn that not everything is child's play and dangerous things happen in this world every day. Do you understand me now Plutonia?"

Mars' only reply was "yes maam."

The lesson continued as it did before as she still received the cold, hard, tormenting stares of the others every now and again. That yes maam took every bit of energy out of her that she had worked up that day to go back home as she started to sweat into the tight jeans that hugged her legs only get cold release for the parts that were cut and had holes (they were not actually ripped jeans she just liked climbing trees, she also liked falling out of them too it seemed.) She tried to hide yet her short raven hair was not enough to cover her, now she kind of wished she never cut it, it was a short side part and she had to beg her mother for it in the end. According to her mother and in her own words, "Short hairs only for boys and I don't want people to get the wrong message." Honestly, she did not know what that meant and what was the "wrong idea" was there something wrong with boys or was there just a joke she was missing out on? She wondered this while still feeling exposed of course the next best option was to hide behind her hands as she slouched back on the hard wood-stained chairs. She has never understood that if they wanted children to learn at school then why give them such pain? However, it was just another question as the bell rang to signify home.

As if they were all marionettes on strings the students rose as perfectly in sync as they could. Standing behind their chairs, packing away their lesson time notes and slinging their ton bags over their shoulder blades trying not to collapse under the weight. Mars usually loved sitting at the back until today to be honest, as everyone exited the classroom one by one, she could feel the heated watch of Mrs Orion on her back. As if a sniper was following her every move, she felt under pressure entirely. She tried to get a glimpse at what Mrs Orion was up to and so she twisted her head, trying to be secretive, until she met Mrs Orion's face and if looks could kill, I will tell you now Miss Mars Plutonia would be a dead girl.

She turned her head back as quick as she had before and started to exit the classroom. The rough knit of her jumper sleeves rubbing against her wrists as she walked, and the tight grip of her shoelaces hugged her feet as she stepped cautiously into the hall. She knew she was in for it this time.

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