chapter 7.

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"No, no I don't." spoke Mars her face turning the shade of bright red peonies as her temperature was a clear indication of her embarrassment. Yet Mars could not help but think, is this what people mean when they talk about hitting on people? Is Jupe hitting on her? 'No, she couldn't be' thought Mars. 'She's a girl and so am I' she continued with confused in her own thoughts she did not realise Jupe creeping closer and closer examining all her features. She had never seen someone as beautiful as Mars she was a diamond in the rough a star that shone bright than any in the neptunium sky. The emeralds hand reached out just about fitting into the gaps in the fence. It brushed along Mars' skin her fingertips tickling at her soft ivory. The girls looked at each other into each other's eyes. Mars' brown and Jupes' blue. The perfect match.

Jupe could feel the heat rising in Mars' cheeks as well as her both of them enamoured with the other immediately. This was only their second meeting, yet they felt like they had known each other for years on end. They stayed like this for a while enjoying the heat of the boiling sun flattening on their skins, tanning them as they chilled out with each other's touch. Both of them completely in sync with each other, it was weird only 2 days together and it has been like they were growing old together like a married couple as if they were true soulmates.

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