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It was a little after three in the morning when I felt someone sit down on the edge of the bed. We're almost in November now, the week before Halloween to be exact and I haven't really seen or heard from Tayla. But this is my fourth time showing up needing a little extra help from my second family. I didn't move when I felt the mattress shift, I barely breathed when I felt her lift my arm and fold it over her waist just like a blanket when she laid down. I knew it was her, I knew before I even smelt her shampoo. I took a deep breath when she melted into me.

"I can't listen to you cry anymore." She whispered. "If you can hear me, Colton, this doesn't mean anything. I just need you to stop crying out in your sleep." I lightly tightened my grip around her and pulled her closer. I nuzzled her shoulder.

"Thank you." I breathed.

"Go back to sleep, Col."

When I woke up a few hours later she was gone. The spot on the bed where she had been was still warm and I could still feel her against me. She hasn't been awake long.

I knew I had to beat her to the coffee shop today, I hadn't missed a morning buying her coffee and I wasn't gonna start to today. I got there and the barista smiled at me.

"Just the iced latte today?"

"No, she has a big game today, do you have any of those protein bars? And maybe a recharging type muffin or something."

"I know just the thing." She gave me a wink, I paid and headed out.

Danny and Jasmine were just getting out of his Jeep with her little brother when I pulled into the spot next to him. Conner barely glanced at me as he headed towards his group of friends. He's blames me for Tayla's transfer and because she's either on the field or in the shop, Lil Conner Nix doesn't get a daily dose of his crush anymore.

"You stop in at the Coffee Shop this morning?" Danny shot me a slight glare until I ducked back into my truck and pulled out a tray of coffees and a box or flakey, gooey goodness, as the girls like to call the pastries.

"Of course." I nodded.

"She changed her shop." Jasmine blurted out. Danny closed his eyes, sighed and dropped his head back to look up at the sky before shooting her a look.

"She what?"

"She hasn't been getting your coffees for weeks now."

"Then where is my money going?"

"She stops in everyday after school and picks it up. She gives the woman a generous tip for not saying anything. But she's saving it for you. I don't for what or why." Jasmine shook her head.


"She wasn't kidding with not wanting anything from you. She hasn't stopped there in the morning since the third day you did it."

"I've been doing this since school started." My mind was blown. "We're so fucked up that she won't let me buy her breakfast?!" I slumped against the side of my truck. "What can I do to make this better, Jasmine? I fucking miss her."

"Hey," Danny snapped. "you did this. I don't even know what was said because you are still important enough that she's protecting our relationship." He patted my shoulder and shrugged. "That has to mean something."

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