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We ended up winning. Trick ended up with a black eye and a busted lip but refused to press charges. He said he deserved it. That if he had watched someone come in and kissed his girl, he'd rip someone's throat out. All I did was roll my eyes. Colton was ejected from the game and suspended from our next game against one another.

Danny came home that night asking why I skipped on the party, but with one look at me he had his answer. He climbed in bed with me and just laid there quietly, hiding hands, staring at the ceiling like we did when we were little.

The look on Colton's face when I yelled that at him, broke my heart even more. I thought having it out in the woods that day would have made my anger clear, but no, it clicked that he had hurt me to the point beyond repair when I called him out in front of everyone.

Danny, mom, and dad had all been asking me over and over again what he had said that was so bad. But I refuse to answer. They don't need to know that what he said was the reason for the teasing or the almost assault I had endured. I don't want the way they see him to be affect from what he said to me in a drunken, hurt state. I also know that it sounds a bit hypocritical because I'm still angry with him for it a little over a year and a half later.

But here we are, football season's over. My team won the state championship but it didn't feel like a great accomplishment in my book. I was with the wrong team, but hey, at least the guys accepted me as one of their own. Trick and Grey actually told me that I was their friend. I dragged Stacy along with me because I knew she was into Grey. Thankfully, Jas was easy going and got along with everyone.

Which is how I ended up in the shop working on rebuilding a gorgeous 1968 Dodge Charger, on a gorgeous spring day surrounded by Stacy, Jas, Grey, and Trick. The boys were busy pretending to know what I was talking about and what I was doing where the girls were admiring how fast I was working. Part after part and piece by piece this baby was looking amazing.

"We're goin' on a coffee run," Trick said after being there for two hours with us. "You ladies wants anything?" Stacey and Jas rattled off what they wanted and the guys were off.

"You didn't tell them how you wanted your coffee." Stacey looked at me funny.

"Buying her a coffee is like buying her a steak and lobster dinner. She thinks it's a Binding contract." Danny said strolling in. I knew Colton was with him but he was smart and avoided conversation. "This is looking great, sis. How much longer until I can get a test drive."

"Well, it has to be done for finals." I shrugged.

"Your extra curricular activity was auto?" Stacey laughed.

"Yes, why do you think instead of rebuilding an engine, I'm rebuilding an entire car?" We all laughed, even Colton.

I glanced up at him. He looked miserable, but I was too tired to care. A few minutes later Grey and Trick came strolling back in.

"Here's your sugary goodness, m'lady." He winked at Stacey and then turned to Jas. "And yours." He smiled, overly cautious of my brother. "And snacks." He sounded like a little kids, whose parents said he could have an extra cookie.

I was busy tightening a bolt when I felt someone lean around me and a cup came into my view.

"What's this?" I set my tools down and wiped my hands.

"Well, it's a large chocolaty latte with an extra shot of espresso and coconut milk." Trick smiled.

"Okay. Thank you?" I took it out of his hand, watching him. "But why?"

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