Something 2

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Zack barried his face in Dabi's back as he started to tear up he sniffles a bit Dabi looks down at Zack feeling guilty he didn't mean to make his doll cry "Hey.. Zack I'm sorry don't cry...I'm not going to leave.."

Dabi says wrapping his arms around Zacks waist pulling him closer to him...Zack looks up at Dabi with tears streaming down his face.."R-really?" Zack questioned in a soft voice

Dabi's eyes softened as he saw tears streaming down his dolls face..Dabi cups Zacks cheeks wiping away the tears with his thumb as he looks down at Zack looking into his eyes as he smiles softly

"Yeah really...I'll stay with you until you go to sleep...But I'll probably see you tomorrow if I can..."

Dabi says as he picks up Zack wrapping Zacks legs around his waist caring him to his bed Zack wraps his arms around dabi's neck not wanting to let go of him not wanting him to leave him

"Can you stay with me until morning?" Zack said as he nuzzled his face in Dabi's chest..Dabi sighs quietly knowing that was a bit risky he could get caught by the heroes he didn't want that to happen

"I can't doll it'd be to risky for me to leave in the morning and I know you don't want me to be sent to jail we wouldn't really see each other anymore like we use to..."He says frowning slightly as he lays down next to Zack knowing it would be useless trying to get out of Zacks grip..He
maybe small but he sure has a strong grip

(Yeah stopping here will be a part three lol it's been awhile since I updated this I know it's small but I don't feel like you know making long chapters it'll be a year just getting one chapter because of my huge imagination I'd be to long but anyways have a nice day everyone!!

(Yeah stopping here will be a part three lol it's been awhile since I updated this I know it's small but I don't feel like you know making long chapters it'll be a year just getting one chapter because of my huge imagination I'd be to long but any...

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