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Michael Jackson once said "If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change." Such a wise quote, yet we pay no mind to its meaning. We often talk on how we want to change society but are we not society? There's no point on thinking otherwise, we are society. When we think of people being torn apart because of how ruthless society is, we think of how lucky we are that we're still standing. We don't ever think, 'I should help.' Maybe we often think 'Should I help?' but never that we should because if we had thought we should, an action would've occurred.

There have been too many incidents and people which have been redefined by society. If they are not worthy enough to be "socially acceptable" they're outcasts until they can reconstruct themselves that can be deemed worthy. Why is it that many of us have to let others control us? That we cannot express ourselves in fear of being judged? That we have to maintain an act to be accepted? I for one am against this.

If I had the ability, I would change the way people think. Many hear of rumours about a certain person and naturally assume the worst. They only see what has happened or what they assume has happened and judge on that. Do they know that their judgements could be wrong? They could actually being blowing the situation out of proportion; without hearing their side, knowing who they even are or being able to understand what they did for why they did it. They then act on these judgements.

What gives them the right to make a judgement on others when they too have made mistakes? Why is it that we cannot all be seen for what we are, humans? If you're skinny you're anorexic. If we're larger than average people, we're obese. If we're smart, we're seen as nerds and weak. If we're quiet, we're rude. If we hurt others in a way we've been hurt, we're heartless. If we voice our opinions, we're stupid. Opinions are a personal view, keyword? Personal.

"Society does not want individuals that are alert, keen, revolutionary, because such individuals will not fit into the established social pattern and they may break it up. That is why society seeks to hold your mind in its pattern and why your so called education encourages you to imitate, to follow, to conform." Do not be defined by anyone or anything. You are the only one with power to define yourself.

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