Twenty eight

137 1 24

George skipped along through the forest happily, Dream trailing along behind him slowly. Dream didn't want to go, but if it made George happy then he didn't care. "Hurry up Dream!" George yelled, turning around and stopping, staring at Dream as he continued to walk at his slow pace, hands in his pockets as he looks towards the ground. "I am I am" Dream said, his pace not changing. George frowned, walking over to dream and grabbing his hand, pulling out of his pocket as he started to walk with Dream, forcing him to go at a faster pace. Dream sighed quietly, knowing the field was ahead. He hates fields, ever since it was the cause of George's mother, who also took dream in and raised him.

George fell, tripping on the large root that stuck out of the ground. George losing grip of dreams hand, fell to the ground, landing on his elbows. "Ow.." George mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his elbows, pulling his sleeves up. "You okay?" Dream asked, bending down and pulling George's elbow up, making sure he wasn't bleeding. "I'm fine dream," George said, reaching his arms up, looking up at dreams mask. "My legs are broken dream" George said, smiling as he reached out further, Dream sighing as he grabbed the sides of George's chest, pulling George up, as he wrapped both his arms and legs around dream. "God..for broken legs they sure do wrap around me.." Dream mentioned, grabbing George's thighs for support as he continued to walk. "Ummmmm" George couldn't come up with an excuse, Dream laughing slightly as he kept walking, enjoying the forest, looking at the small rays of light that peeked through the trees. He listened to the birds, his light footsteps and George's quiet breathing as he dug his face into dreams neck.

"You seem tired George, we don't have to go" Dream mentioned, feeling George quickly pull himself off of dream, jumping off and barely landing on his feet. "no no I need to go! Come on!" George said happily grabbing dream's hand, as he pulled dream to a faster pace as he skipped along, Dream sighing, regretting what he'd said, wishing George was back in his arms. "George's there's no rush" Dream said trying to slow George down, "there is! The faster we get there the more time we have!" George said, giggling slightly. "I guess.." Dream sighed, knowing the field wasn't too far now.

The two made it to the end of the path, revealing a large field full of flowers, surrounded by trees. It was the type of field you'd imagine running in as a kid or the kind you would think of when you'd mention fields. It was such a happy place, calming area butterflies could live their lives and everything could grow in peace, yet for Dream and George, this would be one of the few happiest moments they had left.

George stared at the large field ahead of him, looking at Dream, who stared out into the field, George not knowing if he was excited or upset with his decision to come here. "It's beautiful don't you think?" George asked, tugging dreams hand as he pulled him forward, walking into the field. "I guess, doesn't l'manburg have a field" Dream pointed out, "that one is fake! I saw it with my own eyes! There are like three flowers? It's so dumb" George scoffed, remembering the time he'd seen that 'field'.

"Dream, why don't you like fields?" George asked while walking to the middle of the field. "Why do you love fields so much" Dream repeated the question, trying to avoid George's. "Because mother always took us, don't you remember?" George said looking back at Dream. He stayed silent, walking to the middle of the field, and sitting down. George sighed, "it's about mom again isn't it?" George said sitting down. " isn't your fault.." George said,
"But it is.." Dream mumbled, picking out the grass one by one as if it was some sort of entertainment. "It isn't," George said, taking off his new hoodie, and laying it down behind him. "If I hadn't begged her to let us leave the go to the stupid field..then maybe you'd still have a mom" Dream said, a wave of guilt hitting him again. George stayed silent, grabbing dream's arm away from the grass, slowly holding his hand, Dream not caring in the slightest. "Well..I'm not mad at you for it, and she wasn't mad at you for I think she'd want you to live your best life, and look, you've bought me the castle I've wanted, you've brought me to a field..sure there's been points in our lives that weren't the best but..I'm still happy.." George said happily, tugging dreams arm, wanting him to lay down. He stayed silent, laying down slowly, feeling a hand and a head lay on his chest. Dream sighed, wrapping an arm around George. "It's not your fault..I promise.." George mumbled.

The two were silent for what felt like hours, which in reality was only around five minutes. "The field is part one of my gift" Dream said randomly, gaining George's attention. "How many parts?" "Three. Though, the last one..I don't know how it'll go" he admitted, "I'm sure it'll be great, your presents are always good" George said, thinking about what dreams present could possibly be.

Dreams present was a lot of debate. Debating whether to do it this year, a few years later, it never. His plan was easy, step one was already done, after all, taking him to his favourite place, the field. The second part was finding the perfect moment to take off his mask, showing George his face, what he's always wanted to see. The last step, step three, was going to be the hardest for Dream, as he needed the perfect timing and place to do it.

Third step, kiss George.

The things he'll never get to see. // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now