Chapter Twenty Six: I'm Sticking with You

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Gemma waited at the JFK airport, watching all the people filter in and out. She wondered where people were going or if they were returning home, as she loved to travel. She sat by the terminal, beginning to become impatient. At any moment her best friend, Cher, would be walking through the gates. She was visiting, to help wedding plan and things like that, since she wasn't around as much. When Cher went to Brooklyn College she studied abroad in London and loved it so much, she relocated permanently once she graduated, getting a job as a publicist for UK's most popular entertainment company. Cher walked through the gates, hauling her bags and dragging her luggage behind her. England to New York was a long flight. They wrapped each other in their arms, expressing joy as they parted.

"I've missed you so much."

"Same, you look amazing." Cher exclaimed.

"Okay, let's get back to my place." Gemma says, while helping Cher with her bags. They took a taxi back into Manhattan, arriving home around 8pm. It had been a long day.

"So what's new?" Cher says, after putting her things in the guest room that Gemma and Daniel had, but hardly ever used.

She shrugged, "Not much." she flashed a guilty smile, "Well."

"What is it?" Cher questions, as Gemma looks around, but Daniel wasn't home. He was out having dinner with clients.

"It's Julian."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, my boss invited them in for an interview, of course, like of course, and he was there and things got heated."

"Did you kiss him?"

"God no, he hates me."

"Why, what is going on?"

"Well, I realized that I kinda left him all those years ago and he's still pissed about it."

"You did, girl, but it's been four years. He hasn't moved on?"

"I guess not, it's just that I really hurt him and I never realized. It's just been really weird."

"Maybe he still has feelings for you."

"God, I hope not. That would complicate everything."

"It would, but only if you had feelings for him too. Just keep things friendly. They'll be out of town before you know it."

"Yeah, you're right."

Gemma poured her friend more wine, as they talked the rest of the night into the early morning. There was so much to say and so much to share because it was different with Cher. With Daniel, she could barely talk to him about the things in her life because he wasn't there and he wouldn't get it. It's not like she was going tell him about the band or Julian, why would she? With Cher, everything was open and they knew almost everything about each other. It felt real, but she still loved her fiancee, even if her past was unknown to him.

Lately, she had been doing a lot more thinking about Julian. She wanted to say sorry and make things better, but she didn't know the best way to do it. He was so void and intimidating, almost unapproachable. She was nervous to be around him. Gemma talked to Albert about it and he suggested dinner. She thought it would be too formal and worried he wouldn't have the patience or mental capacity, but it seemed like the most straight-forward, adult way to do it. There was no backing out, tonight was the night. She put on black jeans, a gray top, and her leather jacket, obviously. She was unsure, but she wasn't going to runaway.

Albert had spoken to Julian, relaying the message that Gemma wanted to speak to him. He wasn't surprised, he knew he was being a dick to her and she wasn't one to let people treat her that way. He could understand that, but he didn't want to have the talk. He knew he was going to have to talk to her about what happened four years ago and he just didn't want to. He wanted things to be better, he wanted to see her, but he couldn't change his feelings and there was nothing to be done about them. She was marrying another man. He felt useless and hopeless, and he wasn't gonna get his way this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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