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Next day afternoon

At the company inaugration party laila ,heena and simi reached and there were allotted a counter for there tea coffee and cakes . They set up the counter very artistically.  All the cakes look so delicious. 

Laila was happy with the arrangement .
Sooner the event organizer came to them and asked are they  ready all the guest will be arriving within 15 minutes . Laila said yes we all are set.

Laila POV
Guest started emerging . Simi served them one by one everyone loved there cakes  and different type of coffee.

As I was serving I hear   a  familiar deep, dominant  voice from crowd
" yes I will have cappuccino  thankyou "
I looked toward the owner of voice my hand started sweating  my body shivering , its him oh god I have to leave . I dont want him to insult me humiliate me again i can't stay here any longer.
I called helena who was busy serving . I told her I am not feeling g well I am leaving .
Thank god he didnt see me otherwise god knows how he must have reacted .
I ran as fast I can  I was looking back so that no one follows me as I was running and looking back at the time . I stumbled into some thing hard .
Ouch!! I landed on floor with a thud . I looked up there was he . He raised his hand to help me but took it back when he saw my face clearly . And he just walked away without looking  back for even once .
By doing that he made me feel like thrown garbage . He always  manage to hurt me sometime   without  saying   word .
I manage to get up as I was walking I saw him with his so called lover  or I should call her his whore  Tanya singh daughter of singh textile limited .  Girl who took everything from me .
Unconsciously I was staring at them . I dont know when and how Arhaan came in front of me and he said what you want bitch  I told you never show me your filthy face .
I was ready to respond him with same spiteful  words but my phone rang and it was from my mom .

Hey ,laila Nabh got hurt while playing with boys can you come home  well it's not that big but he is asking for you . Mom told me
What! I am on my way mom .
I looked at Arhaan and asked him to stand aside but he was not. I asked him one more time but he came more closer to me in a very threatening  way . With all my strength I pushed him away . He stumbled a bit  gave me enough time to ran away  from him.

Finally I reached home thinking about nabh all my way .

I directly went to room nabh was laying on bed and both of his brother beside him playing with there action figure .

He is fine now , it just a abrasion mom told me.

Thank god I said to myself.

Arhaan POV

What the hell! What is she doing here in my company inaugration  day who invited her . I called manager I asked
him I showed him her picture .
How do you know her ? 

Oh she is the cafe girl who took care of tea and snacks .  A week ago I brought cake and brownie from her cafe and you approved of that sir . He informed me

I said ok you may leave .

Cafe girl so she got a new  identity for herself . What does she think she can ran away from me . I will make her life miserable. I will never forget her infidelity . My wife...  she is my wife  she took vows with me and laid with someone else .  Laila singhania  I will make a living hell for you . Brick by brick I will shatter your new life .
You will beg me to kill you . I promise you that laila.

I called my secretary  varun . Varun find out about the owner of that cafe building and buy entire building no matter how much you want I want it done by tomorrow  afternoon.
The ownership of that building should be mine by tomorrow afternoon.

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