Things People Said

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Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy-


Hello!! How's everyone doing? It's been so, SO long since I've updated this, and I felt the need to update it, especially when someone requested to keep updating it, my "updating schedule" is basically non existent bUT, I've decided to update it today :D !!!

I had this idea a few days ago but I didn't have the chance/time to type all of this down. But now I do!

So, this is just gonna be a few of my favourite lines or, eh, things? said by people I know/characters/celebrities/famous people blah blah, I'm sure you get it. So, LeTsA gO-

*sparkly explosion*

(We are still doing online classes here, btw)

My chemistry teacher (oh there are a lot but these are my favourite):

"You were my second to last hope.." (to one student because no one gave him the right answer)

" don't mind me using your name as an example right?" *girl shakes her head* "okay! eVeN iF yOu MiNd I'lL sTiLl UsE yOuR nAmE eHEhH-"

"Come on a child in kindergarten can do this equation.. okay, my daughter is in her second year in kindergarten and she can't do it.. BuT sTiLl-"

My psychology teacher:

"You can write whatever bullshit you want- wait I'm sorry don't write bullshit but write proper stuff, you know.."

"ehhhhhh.... um.. I can't think.. *whispers something incoherent*" (like, ladies and gentlemen, the volume, in this bus, is a̶s̶t̶r̶o̶n̶o̶m̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ on the lowest possible level) "oh yes! If you keep eating ice cream, and your weight keeps on decreasing, there's no correlation between the two, YoUrE sUpPoSeD tO tUrN fAt-"

My english teacher:


My dad (while watching some Bollywood movie):

(Some backstory: these two people were dancing in this garage and it started raining, inside the garage, and we were confused and we were asking questions, because obviously there was a roof, but then again, it's Bollywood👌🏼)

"Because the dancing was too hot." cue that proud dad smile and the annoyed groans and laughter. 

Okay it's time for celebrities/famous people I adore :D

Katherine Waterston and Eddie Redmayne:
*during an interview*
"If you could have a butterbeer with anyone from the Harry Potter universe who would you..?"
"Tina." -Eddie
"McGonagall- iM sOrRy-" -Katherine
*cue an absolutely adorable, offended Eddie*

✨❤️😚Cate Blanchet💞🥰💖(psssh!! whaaa?? I absolutely don't have a huge crush on her! *sweat*):

"iTs So BiG-" (referring to the burger in the picture ~down below~)

(Ahshshwkn/)£726%{>bLEEP<2€*]^ you have no idea what I'd do to switch positions with that person-)

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(Ahshshwkn/)£726%{>bLEEP<2€*]^ you have no idea what I'd do to switch positions with that person-)

"oH for gods sakes sHUT UP!" (to the same crowd in the picture)

"oh, um, I've been faaaaabulous, yeeeah.. you don't look that great but I mean, y e a h.." (to Jimmy Fallon)

"oHhh I thought the Disney villain gays like the gay Disney villains-" (talking about Lady Tremaine from Cinderella) "mAybe if she was gay she would've been happier!?"

(to a little girl who asked if she was a princess)
"I am a princess sweetheart :) " sass.

Okay I think I should probably stop with the Cate Blanchett stuff-

Now it's time for characters!!

Bilbo Baggins:

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

"I'm going on an adventure!"

*not said by him but when he faints after reading and listening to the explanation of what they (the dwarves) meant by incineration*

Legolas Greenleaf:

"What about dying side-by-side with a friend?"

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?"

"We have trusted you this far. You have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair." Now that, my friends, is an apology.


"Game over." He said ( - 💋-) 🍺


"Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings."


"Nobody tosses a dwarf!"
~a few, minutes later~
"Toss me .... I cannot jump the distance you'll have to toss me. Don't tell the elf."

Tina Goldstein:

"Is that your brother? .... Does he wanna kill you?"

(the always fabulous) "He needs to control his temper!" *swish and flick*


"No-Maj. No magic. ThE nOn-WiZaRd!!?"

(The video I've put on the top in the little banner thing -I don't know what it's called- is included as well, watching it is much better than reading what he said.)

OKAY!! I'm done now xD I could do waaaaayy more lines/people but I've just randomly selected a few for this.

And sadly, but I predicted that this would probably happen, I've forgotten something I wanted to type, I think it was a celebrity.. but y'know, as that Two and a Half Men meme says "if you forgot it, then it wasn't important", but if we're going according to the meme then it was definitely something important.. but eH these were the main ones that I've remembered and have noted down so, it doesn't really matter lolol.

I hope you were, somewhat entertained, and if you are as obsessed with Cate Blanchett as I am, feel free to dm or comment so we can absolutely fREAK OUT together! What are your favourite lines/quotes said by people/characters?

Okie bai :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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