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I've been tagged, by:

I decided to mention all three of you cause, why not XD

So here are les rules:

1. You have to post the rules.
2. You have to say thirteen things about yourself and you can't refuse.
3. Do this within a week or the "tagger" (moi) will come up with a punishment (don't worry I don't think I will).
4. It had to be a CHAPTER and not a comment.
5. You have to tag thirteen people.
6. The chapter should have a creative name.

(Don't ask me about this chapter's name I had no idea what to name it and it said it should be creative. And that gif idk why I put it I just had it and I love that gif because I feel like it's so truuuue and I ship Newtina so-)


Ooooookay, here we go.

So, here are thirteen tHiNgS about yours truly:

Number 1
I am a magical nugget (it's a rare species).
Number 2
I am Anglo-Indian (half British, half Indian). I'm one of the few in my school who are one. People who don't really know me or my "history"  immediately presume I'm a proper British person or American because I look like one, mainly because of my skin tone (I go to an Indian school and most, or the majority of them are Indians, and no I don't live in India). And I don't know how to classify my "accent " it doesn't exactly sound like a British one (but I can talk in a British accent though) but it sounds slightly American so I guess that's why people think I'm American.
Number 3
(I don't know if this is necessary but I did mention this book would have randomness in it)
My Hogwarts house: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw
My Ilvermorny house: Horned Serpent/Thunderbird
Number 4
I get cravings at random times, like yesterday, I had a sudden craving for french fries early in the morning (I don't remember what time it was but I know it was early).
Number 5
I sometimes scream in French if I'm overly excited about something, or eNrAgEd about something.
Number 6
I love science, and math, I guess. Even though I may not show it, I really do love the subject.
Number 7
I want to be an Archaeologist later on in life. I fell in love with Archaeology when I was about, ten..? It all started with this dinosaur cartoon thingy. I was lucky (and overly excited but I didn't learn french yet so I didn't creep anyone out by screeching in French) to find a "set" in a bookstore where you would have I dig around a brick of plaster and find three gemstones, and another one where you would have to find dinosaur bones and later you could assemble it to make a dinosaur figure (I got a T-Rex and a Triceratops).
Number 8
I talk to myself a lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. You know I may have a problem..
Number 9
I sometimes like to imagine myself as another character in a book/movie and what I would do in a particular scenario.
Number 10
I love art. Drawing, colouring, painting, making weird doodads with paper, sketching, blah blah blah, basically anything to do with art.
Number 11
I like watching Peppa Pig edits.. yeah, I know, it's weird.. and also moments/full episodes from talk shows.
(At this point, I've run out of things to write so I'm just looking around my room for iNsPiRaTiOn)
Number 12
I still sleep with a Lion plushie which I got for Christmas in.. 2012 when we went to visit my cousins in England, I was only seven then and I'm fifteen now.. don't judge me.. it was also when I got my Nintendo DS *sighs* now those were the good old days.
(And the last one..)
Number 13
I love dogs (pugs have to be my favourite they are so adorable and I want one later in life). I have a doggo called Goldie, she's an American Cocker Spaniel. She's twelve years old and will turn thirteen (oh what a coinkydink) in December.

So there ya have it. Thirteen things about mOi which you may or may not know (you most probably won't but if you did then you seem like a creepy stalker person to me plzz stop stalking moi it's, well, creepy).

And now here are the thirteen peeps that I shall tag:



I guess we're done here. Sooo.. bye I guess XD and don't forget.. EAT COOKIES AND NUGGETS!!🥳

𝙼𝚈 𝚂𝚃𝙾𝙾𝙿𝙸𝙳, 𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙾𝙼 𝙻𝙸𝙵𝙴Where stories live. Discover now