Chapter - 2 The phone call

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(His alarm started screaming)

"Ughhhhhhhh.... who's calling??!?!?" He said, searching for his phone.

" Eehhhhhhggggg! Who set this tone as alarm????" He said to himself.
Looking at the phone he realised it was he himself indeed.

The ringtone pulled out his memories from back home where his parents phone had the same tone. He immediately called them while freshening up.

An hour later he hanged up the call with a bright smile in his face and a teary pond in his eyes. He misses his parents.
In his mind he wants to run to them and give them a big tight hug. But he can't. He's stuck in his apartment and because of the lockdown he can't move back to his house.

He felt good that he's been able to talk to them more often now then before. Due to his tight schedule and work pressure he wasn't able to get too much in contact with them.
They are a big source of motivation for him. His parents are very supportive and encourages him always to do what he loves.

Tring Tring
(This time it's a phone call.)

He picked up the call while having his first bite of lunch. It's his manager, Nancy.

"Hey, Nancy! What's up.... How are you?"

" I'm good, I'm good... How about you? How are you holding up bud?"

" Yeaaahhhh.....I'm good...just being bored that's all ....haha..!"

" Hhhmmmmm well at least you're not the only one feeling the same."

"So why did you call? Any specific reason?"

" Well.. yeah!!... Actually I've already sent you the parcel you will receive it sometime today."


" It's a XYZ product. You have to put up some pictures in your social media and put the captions I've sent you in the messenger just now ....check it ..."

" Mmm 'kay.. yeah I got your message."

" Okay then do it when you feel free."

"Yeah okay... But..."

" But?????"

" Well how about along with the post I promote it while doing a live stream?.... Would that be okay?"

" Oh! Well I guess that's up to you .... It's just needs to show up in your social media.... the question of depends on you..."

" Mmmm ' kay ...I'll do that then." Nan said with a sweet smile on his face.

" Ok...take care dear"

" You too." He hanged up the phone with a smiling face thinking about the fact that he has just got another reason to talk to his fans.

He received the parcel in the evening and without wasting much time he went on and started his live stream.

He hadn't opened the parcel beforehand as he thought he'd show his fans the adorable packaging too.

So he started opening the parcel while doing his live.
It was just the beginning of the stream and not many people were watching yet.

He did a grave mistake that he was yet to find out until the end of his stream.

After the live ended he received a call asking, " this......Nan?"

Nan answered without thinking much, "Yes! Who is this?"

The next thing he heard was a very high pitched squeak plus scream and the words..."oh..MY Looord!!"

And then it goes.."beep beep beep"
The call was hanged up from the other side.

Nan was so confused and curious.
Poor soul he was still unaware of the situation until when Nancy, his manager called him.

He picked up the call and went, " Hey Nancy! Did you see the live? What do you think about it?"

Nancy replied," Forget about the that!!"


"First tell me if anything wierd happened!"

"What do you mean anything wierd happened? What are you saying? "

"Nan! Listen to me carefully!"


"You know when you were opening the product in the stream..."

"Yeah what about it?"

"Well..... you kinda exposed your number to the entire world!!! And it was not just for few seconds it was like for ... enough time for someone to save your number in that if anything funny or wierd happens tell me straight away got it????..... TELL ME STRAIGHT AWAY... OKAY?????"

Nan was frozen. His eyes wide open. Heart beating at the speed of meglev express.

He just realised what was that call about before. He didn't know what to do. Is it dangerous? Is it only a fan with no intention of harming him? What if that fan shared his number to everyone??
What should he do?

All these questions started piling up in his mind.
From the other side of the call Nancy kept asking him if he was alright.

He came back to his senses and told his manager about the call earlier.
The manager tried to calm his scared soul and little by little he was able to handle himself but still the fear haunted him of something worst happening due to his neglect and carelessness.

Nan was worried. He knows his fans love him and adore him but at the same time he was worried.

Nancy took the initiative and blocked his number and got him a new number.
Nan was relieved and at the same time very sorry for making his team worried, but was also happy that his manager was able to solve such a problem with ease and calmness.

He was very thankful to have such a great team behind him supporting him every way possible.

He called everyone up in his team to thank them and said, " You guys are the reason I'm able to survive in this world without much worry.... thank you guys!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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