Thick layers of ice

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it's been a few months in Runeterra after you and your Russian friend Ivan Medvedev, escaped alongside with the Vortigaunts by getting inside a portal hopping to teleport you to the right place and not to another twisted world like the one you got inside. After the portal teleported the two of you in a random place but in the right world, you noticed that everything including the weather was very cold and the entire terrain and plains are nothing but ice and snow. The two of you managed to reunite together into one outpost and came into a terrifying realization that the machine threw both of you in the cold cold ice lands of Antarctica!

You and your Russian friend lost hope. In Runeterra it's been a few months, but in Earth it's been five days since the two of you are inside Antarctica, your rations ran out making the two of you live off by hunting and cooking penguins, fish, and polar bears. cooking was easy for the two of you since Ivan managed to find an underground trapdoor behind the outpost and inside were pallets of crates filled with jackets with heaters inside, goggles, gas for cooking with a single stove, gas for fuel, random tools, and sleeping bags. So the two of you are complete in daily needs, both of you knew that you're not gonna stay and live inside the cold realm, the two of you need to settle up to civilization and see what happened after the seven hour war, it's not a good idea but atleast it's something to get out from the heat. Because of this decision the two of you packed up enough supplies like food and water melted from snow and filtered through layers of cloth, since there are tools laying on the tables of the basement the two of you didn't hesitated and immediately augmented your weapons and armor.

Ivan augmented his astronaut suit adding a few tweaks here and there, he priotized on augmenting his helmet since that's the vulnerable spot in a firefight. Since the Vortigaunt already augmented his armor back in Runeterra he doesn't have to worry about the entire suit, he just need a small upgrade and that's it. Ivan welded a smoothen iron sheet that's cut vertically then he aligned it on the surface of his helmet, he looked at his suit and noticed that his suit doesn't have a neck guard. He looked at you and you too is also busy augmenting your stuff, but instead of your armor you're augmenting your weapons followed by two newly made spears made from four long iron rods used in constructing divided into two for a tough and balanced body of the spear and each of the tip for the two spears were kitchen knives you found in the outpost's no longer working kitchen duct taped on the side of the spears very tightly with wrapped rags on the body of the spear to prevent slipping.

Ivan on the other hand decided to grab one jacket from the crate then ripped off it's arm to use it's soft cotton fabric, he then placed the arm down then he grabbed four layers of medium cut out sheets of steel and decided to weld them all together on the fabric, after he finished welding he then circled it around his neck then secured the behind with duct tape to prevent it from loosening, he then took it off and for the final touch he welded another layer of steel sheeting behind to protect his back, he then put it back on and touched the surface of the metal, the slight height of the frontal metal sheeting armor covering the lower half of his jaw makes him feel superior and overpowered. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and took off his gloves, then he grabbed his helmet and put it inside his head, he then pressed the button of his visor so that the visor can cover his face, the visor closed and sure enough his created neck guard worked, he can still see very clearly through his visor making it an absolute success for him.

The two of you finally finished making and augmenting your weapons, and now it's time to leave the cold cold Ice realm, you packed up the important tools like a hammer, duct tape, and a crowbar. Ivan removed his helmet, suit up his jacket with a built in heater and grabbed his armored cosmonaut suit, he then wore his cosmonaut suit then put on his gloves and helmet, and for the final touch he put on his backpack. You also did the same and now the two of you are ready, you grabbed a spear and gave one to Ivan in which he gladly accepts. Both of you looked like heavily armed Juggernauts all prepared for danger telling the enemy to eat your dust!

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