Final attack

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As the rebels were preparing everything like machine gun mounted vehicles and stolen APC's, the five of you quickly went down in the subway and got inside the armored train before it takes off. All of you sat down on the seats bracing for the worse to come, Gabriel did a sign of the cross and recited a prayer for protection. You also did the same.

Ivan sat on one of the machine gun seats and cocked the PKM's bolt. You then got up and occupied the other head turret of the train since you were given the permission by Doctor Jack Foster to use any of the turrets as long as it's not occupied by another member of the team.

You loaded the gun of the turret and prepared yourself. The train speaker suddenly turned on and the bullet said.

"alright everyone i hope all of you are well prepared, fellow rebels be prepared, this train will be taking off in 5 minutes" 

Ivan wiped the dust off his AK 47 and so did Estelle. 

*after 5 minutes*

The pilot of the train then spoke through the speaker.

"alright everyone, buckle up, we're taking off" The train started it's engines as it begins to move slowly. You looked through the armored window of the turret as you grip on the gun tight. 

The train then started to move as it takes off with more speed. The train whistles making it echo through the subway tunnel. As the train takes off with full speed it finally came out of the tunnel and into the secret passage of the forest. It'll be a long journey since it takes two hours to get in the city.

Meanwhile back on the surface, the rebels drove their APC's and armored trucks towards the dirt road straight to the city to take out the main defenses armed with RPG's and C4's ready to destroy the combine lines.

Ahri peaked through one of the empty machine gun turrets to see the sight of fallen trees and dead stray hunters. 

"stray hunters littered the entire woods, goddamn..." she turn around to see Gabriel also peaking through the window next to the turret she's sitting. 

"where do they come from?" She asked Gabriel, he then replied to her.

"i don't know, they just came out of nowhere, back in the day we used to have plenty of animals roaming around in the forest, now it's a complete mess" 

She then told him.

"so Earth and Runeterra do in fact share the same things in common hm? except for animals and of course the people there" 

He then looked at her and asked.

"so you lived in that planet?" She nodded, he then told her.

"that's incredible! i thought eight planets only existed!" She then asked her.

"w-wait eight? so you mean there are different civilizations like you humans?" He shook his head and told her.

"oh no no, most of them are gas giants, stars, and of course empty" Ahri was amazed hearing such rare knowledge she then told him.

"funny to remember that my parents always tells me stories about the human world always loves war and will do everything to start it" 

He then told her.

"well your parents are in fact right" Her eyes widened and asked.

"really? tell me about it" He cleared his throat and told her.

"well first of all, we humans do in fact have a high war record throughout our specie's history, we even got carried away and started two worldwide wars, not a single nation is spared" 

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