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(Another big thanks to NightSky259 for the book cover ❤️)

Again, there is a book that comes before this one: Handling a Crisis. Read it before you read this one or you will be lost.

This book is way more intense than Handling a Crisis since it takes place during war and, y'know, war isn't exactly pretty.

This section of the book will be updated as the story continues, if needed.

Content warning:
- USSR/Soviet Union
- Third Reich/Nazi Germany
- Schutzstaffel
- Wehrmacht
- (Talk of) Spanish Empire
- Anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric
- Ableism
- Misogyny
- Anti-semitism
- Islamophobia
- Anti-Muslim rhetoric
- Xenophobia
- Racism
- Past self-harm
- Suicidal thoughts
- Mental illnesses
- Physical abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Psychological abuse
- Past sexual abuse/rape
- Human/countryhuman trafficking
- Suggestive language
- Character death/reference to past character death
- Blood and gore
- Murder/Attempted murder
- Shooting
- Drinking
- Past smoking
- Past drug abuse
- Bombings
- War
- Cussing
- It can get political
- Fascism

Just like with Handling a Crisis, I will not be writing any smut. Sorry, not sorry. There will be conversations about sex, sexual jokes/suggestive language, perhaps a heated make-out, and maybe implications that characters had sex between scenes or chapters, but I won't actually be writing any scenes.

Also, I would like to clarify that I am NOT a Nazi. I hate them and the way they think, but for characterization and story reasons, I'm occasionally going to need to write in the mindset of one. Don't come after me.

Confirmed in-story ships:
- Rusame
- Gerpol
- ThirdUnion/SoviReich
- VietPhil
- Greenland/Antarctica
- FrUK
- Martial Law/Kazakhstan
- NorthChina
- Armenia/Syria
- Hawaii/Kiribati

Information refresher
• Haze: a state in which countryhumans can enter caused by an overly-abusive leader in power or the thing they represent becomes "corrupt"
     – 1/2 Haze- weakest version of the Haze, countryhuman switches from non-Hazed state to Hazed state (not very often, but still often)
          – Example: Spanish Empire (not that you can tell)
      – 3/4 Haze: countryhuman rarely switches from non-Hazed state to Hazed state
          – Example: USSR/Soviet Union
     – Full Haze: countryhuman does not revert back to non-Hazed state until their death or until the thing they represent is no longer corrupt
          – Example: Nazi Germany/Third Reich/Sozi
– Forced Hazing: A Haze induced by an outside source

• Military mode: a mindset countryhumans fall in when directly engaged in conflict against a perceived threat, can be broken out of when the threat is nulled, the countryhuman deems the situation safe, or get overwhelmed by emotion

• Fracturing: a phenomena a countryhuman experiences when what they represent is going to fall/is falling apart/has fallen apart. The only "cure" is if the country or thing the countryhuman represents stops falling apart

• Crisis Sympathy Phenomena (CSP): a phenomena that occurs when (a) countryhuman(s) make physical contact with a countryhuman at the moment they fracture. This triggers a bodily response for the non-fracturing countryhuman, causing them to feel the effects of a crisis going on in their country. If the countryhuman who came into contact with the fracturing countryhuman is also fracturing, they will fracture as well

• Somnia Prostratosque: a dream a countryhuman has that tells of a future event, usually an event they're directly involved with, but it is possible for it to be combined with a citizen dream

• Citizen dream: a dream a countryhuman has about a moment in a past, current, or future citizen

• Traditional birth: the traditional way a countryhuman is born; forming near their parent(s) or the leader(s) of what they represent

• Physical birth: the non-traditional and less common way a countryhuman is born; being conceived the same way a regular human is

• New Pangea: the country in which the countryhumans reside, officially established when people started moving there in 1976. The country was named after Pangaea, the supercontinent from which the current five to seven continents came from. Its capital is D'Amboise City, named after the French explorer Jean-Pierre D'Amboise, who landed in the island. The countryhuman is the daughter of Canada and was kidnapped in 1977.

• Nova Terra: New Pangea's Hazed identity

• Alequoqia: the native tribe of New Pangea and the countryhuman New Pangea's former name. The people, the Alequoqians, live underground in secret from the rest of the world. Their native language is Aletikut

• Sozi: the altered version of Nazi Germany/Third Reich. He wants to be thought of as Sozi since he doesn't like being thought of as Nazi because he hates what the Nazi party stood for. Sozi is short for Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands, AKA Socialist Workers' Party of Germany, AKA SAPD

• Kommu: the altered version of USSR/Soviet Union. He becomes Kommu when he isn't Hazed and doesn't blame himself for what happened during his time as USSR, but doesn't want to be associated with the USSR because of its well-known history. Kommu is short for Коммунистическая Партия Российской Федерации (Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii), AKA КПРФ (KPRF), AKA Communist Parrrty of ze Rrrussian Federrration, AKA CPRF

• Countries can come back to life, but theoretically, only once. No one has come back after dying twice

• There is a countryhuman archive of information, relics, and artifacts that only countryhumans of this AU can enter. Countryhumans of other AUs that have not been verified cannot enter. The security system for the archives is very thorough and has not had a single break-in

• America is dead. United States, formerly Confederacy, or Confederate States of America, has taken his place

• America's children include his states, Washington DC, American Samoa, Guam, Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, NASA, SpaceX, and NATO. All of them are physically adults, but SpaceX is technically less than a year old since he physically came into existence in 2020

• Japan and South Korea are routine fourth-wall breakers who make comments directed towards the author/narrator and the audience. The author has long since given up on trying to get them to stop

Japan: Yeah, that's true.

South Korea: *comes in with snacks and drinks and passes some to Japan* M-hm, and we're ready for the story.

• Readers, on the other hand, are not allowed to break the fourth wall. Any attempts with harmful troublesome intent will land them in reader jail. It's essentially an apartment room that disables and takes any magic and/or tech not being used to keep the reader alive. The reader will be free when the next chapter is released. They are allowed to return to their own AU, if they have one, or travel to others, but they cannot interact with any characters unless the author authorizes it

South Korea: That's a new rule. You guys can't just break the fourth wall to attempt to murder someone. It break into places.

Now that we've gotten all that it off the way, we can start the story.

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