Morning before School

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It's Monday Morning and Everyone is still sleeping.

An Alarm goes off and Pepper wakes up and Turns it up. She quickly sits up, she looks over at Tony who is still sleeping. She looks at her phone and sees that it's 6 in the morning.

She leaves the bed puts on her slippers, walks to her bathroom to get ready for the day.

1 hour later it is now 7 in the Morning. Pepper is ready with her hair straight and she's wearing a red business dress and black heals. Tony is still asleep. She looks at him, smiles then exits her room.

Pepper enters Steve's room. She sees Steve is already up doing push-ups on the floor dressed and ready to go. "Hey hun." Pepper says smiling that Steve is one less kid she has to worry about this morning. Steve notices Pepper. He stops doing push-ups and says "Hey mom." Pepper takes a deep breath "I am going to go wake up your brothers and sister, pray for me." Steve chuckles "Best of luck". Pepper then walks out of his room.

Pepper enters Clint's room. Clint is also up, but he's not dressed. He's throwing darts at his Dart board while laying on his bed. Pepper walks over to his dart board and takes it off the wall.

Clint sits up in alert, "What are doing!?"He says Furious. Pepper looks at him in a stern look. "Tone please". Clint looks down and says "Sorry Mom." Pepper sets the Dart board on the floor and says "Get ready for school please". Pepper leaves the room.

Soon after she enters Thor's room and finds him smashing cups on the group saying Ayyy! She exits his room not bothering him.

She goes in to enter Natasha's room. She sees her still sleeping. Pepper walks over to her and sits on her bed. Pepper gently rests her arm on Natasha Hair. In a gentle voice pepper says "Natasha, c'mon time to wake up". Natasha groans slowly starting to get up.

Pepper smiles as Natasha sits up next to her. Natasha rests her head on Pepper shoulders struggling to open her eyes. Pepper wraps her hands around Nat.

"Cmon you got school". Natasha's eyes fully open up and she lets out a sigh before getting out of bed and heading to her bathroom.

Pepper smiles and says "Teenagers". She gets up off of Nat's bed and exits her room.

Pepper then makes her way into the Kitchen. Steve and Thor are already down stairs eating cereal. "Thank you for being dressed and ready to go" Pepper says while reaching for an Apple. "No problem, we know you've been really busy and stressed lately" Steve says looking at Thor then back at Pepper.

Clint walks down stairs looking angry. He grabs a bagel and starts eating it.

Thor looks at Clint while smiling "What had gotten you in such a bad mood?", Clint looks at Thor Annoyed. "Who is Happy on a Monday morning?", Steve chuckles and says "Doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of us". Clint throws away is Bagel.

Clint looks at Natasha who is walking in. She is wearing a white crop top and Black high waisted jeans, with black Vans.

Clint smiles, "Look the princess has arrived".

Natasha rolls her eyes "Can you not, I'm having a good morning and your not going to ruin it".

Pepper walks over to Natasha kisses her on the heads and says "I'm glad, Nat grab something to eat and then I can drive you all to school".

Natasha starts walking over to grab a plate of fresh fruit and then in walks Tony.

"Great I'll come with". Everyone looks over at Tony. Pepper smiles, walks over to Tony and kisses him on the lips.

"No need, mom can do it" Steve says putting his dish in the sink.

"Yeah go back to you inventions or something" Clint says annoyed that Tony said that.

Nat smiles, "Well I'm glad your coming to drop us off".

Tony smiles and starts walking over to Natasha. "See, why can't you all appreciate me like your sister does". Tony hugs Natasha as she is eating her fruit.

"Maybe because she has yet to learn that you only care for yourself" says Clint.

"Watch how you speak to your father Clint, that goes for all of you". Pepper says annoyed with the situation.

Clint still annoyed says "Whatever, I'll wait in the car". Clint starts leaving and Thor and Steve follow him.

Pepper throws away her apple. She walks over to Nat and grabs her hand.

"Tony I appreciate you wanting to go but I think it's best for me to take the kids".

Tony sighs and says "No, they don't get a say, of what I do".

Nat looks uncomfortable.

Pepper sighs "Fine, Cmon".

Pepper who is still holding on to Natasha's hand starts walking to the Car with Tony following them.

Natasha sits in the back, Pepper sits in the front passengers seat, and Tony sits in the drivers seat.

Tony turns on the Car "Ok destination, school". Tony starts driving to school.

While driving the school Tony decides it would be a fun idea to talk.

Tony asks "So what are you all looking forward to at school today?". Clint, Steve, and Thor stay quite.

Natasha looks at them then at Tony "Well I'm looking forward for cheer practice..we have a huge competition Friday, will you be there dad?".

"Of course I will, wouldn't miss it for the world" Says Tony smiling.

Tony pulls up to the school.

Steve sighs with relief "Finally".

Steve, Thor, and Clint exit the Car waiting for Natasha.

"Nat Cmon" says Clint.

"Bye dad, bye mom" Says Nat exiting the Car.

Clint, Thor, Steve, and Nat start walking up to school building.

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