Nat's Small Visions

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Natasha wakes up with Pepper next to her. The Wired Stickers are gone and Pepper is looking at Natasha.

"Good morning" says Pepper in a sweet calm voice.

"Morning" says Nat.

Natasha sits up besides Pepper and says "what happened?".

Pepper smiles and stands up.

"Breakfast in 10, get dressed." Says Pepper while walking out.

Natasha gets out of bed still trying to process everything that happened last night.

Pepper walks into the Kitchen where Tony and the boys are.

"How's Nat?" Asks Tony.

Pepper turns to face the boys.

"Guys can you give me and your dad a minute we will be in the car as soon as your sisters ready.

"Yeah, Cmon guys." Says Steve walking away with Thor and Clint following him.

Natasha stops at the bottom of the stairs when seeing the boys leave the house. She hides behind a wall near the kitchen.

Pepper waits a moment then takes a deep breath and says "She doesn't suspect a thing".

Natasha's eyes widen knowing they are talking about her.

"Good because last night was a close one, she scared me" says Tony.

Natasha is very shocked of what coming out of Pepper and Tony's Mouth. She then takes a deep breath and walks into the kitchen.

"Morning!" She says with a fake smile.

Pepper and Tony put a smile on their face.

"Where are the rest?" Natasha asks.

"Waiting in the car, you ready to go?" Says Tony while grabbing an apple from the nearby fruit bowl and handing it to Nat.

"I guess" Nat's says while Pepper grabs her by the shoulders and starts pushing her out the door.

20 minutes later they arrive to school.

Clint opens the car door.

"Hold on Clint, if Natasha gets like that again please call me immediately okay." Says Pepper looking at the boys.

Steve nods his head yes and Clint says "ok" with Thor agreeing with him.

Natasha in a hurry to get to school and telling her brothers what she overheard says "ok Cmon everyone out". She starts pushing them out of the car. She closes the car door and tells them to follow her.

Steve, Clint, and Thor follow Natasha to the back of the school.

"Okay Natasha you made us follow you to the back of the school so what's up?".

Natasha takes a deep breath

"When I walked downstairs I hear mom and dad talking about me".

"What's weird about that? You were sick yesterday and now you're completely fine". Says Steve not getting the point.

"No, I heard mom say she doesn't suspect a thing and then dad was like good that was a close one, what was a close one, what's going on, what are they not telling us? I woke up last night with Wired stickers on my forehead, dad said it was to help me sleep better but I think it's something else".

They all look at her in confusion.

Thor clears his throat and says "you're overthinking, they were probably making sure nothing was going on in the old noggin".

The bell rings.

"We should get to class" says Steve.

Steve, Clint, and Thor start walking but stop when they notice Natasha's not following them.

"You coming?" Clint asks Natasha.

"I'll catch up" says Natasha.

A moment of silence goes by and then the boys begin walking to class. Natasha sighs and then she starts getting flashbacks of Working with Shield and being an Avengers.

Her flashbacks come to an end. She then grabs a notebook and a pen from her backpack and begins to jot down what she saw in her vision/flashback.

She then runs to class.

She enters class right has the bell rang.

Mr.Frank smiles "you got lucky Natasha, take your seat please".

"Yes sir", replies Natasha as she heads over to sit with the other cheerleaders.

Mr.Frank clears his throat.

"Today is a work day for the Iron Man assignment, please explain to the people who weren't here yesterday the project, you may talk among yourself".

The girls start asking Natasha if she was okay and what happened yesterday. Natasha explained the entire situation and even what she had been seeing.

The girls were confused but didn't judge her.
After school

Natasha enters the gym with her cheerleading uniform on. All the cheerleaders are waiting for her.

Avery concerned for Natasha asks "are you sure you want to practice today, your brother told me how bad it was."

Natasha's best friend Maddie says "she can do, she's perfectly fine now".

Avery still unsure says "okay..girls were doing the hot girl fly in formation!"

They start practicing the cheer, and some more cheers.

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