Chapter One

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I'm starting to think that I was given some bad intel and then I see her at the end of the bar, her soul slumped over her shoulder as though spooning her body. Both shapes slouch over the empty martini glass.

Once I've spotted her, I can't believe it took so long. In this dark, dump of a bar the other souls are bright, dancing balloons. Hers is still and listless as it clings protectively to the woman's exposed neck and shoulders.

I weave through the crowded dance floor, dodging joy-filled bodies, letting my soul sip from each of theirs as I pass. Not enough to deflate anyone. But probably more than I need to juice up martini girl.

It feels good.

Halfway across the bar I look up. My own spirit is fat with the elation of others. I can't help but grin from borrowed joy. Letting the tether out a little, I watch it swoop and soar above me, sharing smiles with the dancers as I glide through the jumping, heaving, thrusting mess of bodies. Being surrounded by so many happy souls is delicious. A shiver ripples through me.

I take the seat one over from martini girl, pulling in my tether as I sit. My light-filled shadow struggles briefly like a sugared-up toddler, then relents and comes to rest, hovering over my shoulders like folded wings. Everyone else is either on the dance floor or shooting pool on the far side so the bar seats are otherwise empty. Okay. Here we go.

Just as I take a breath to speak Martini girl turns, flashes one of the saddest smiles I've seen and then drops her head back to her empty glass.

Undeterred, I lean over, smiling, "I'm Jess." I'm not. But my name doesn't really matter to her.

She glances back, eyes catching on my smile. She scans my face before responding, "Livia."

Yep. That's her.

"But I'm not into women. Not interested in anyone right now," she says into her glass.

Guess I was vibing a little hot there. I am terrible at this. But I nod and shrug at Livia: no big deal. And send my spirit floating over towards hers. Cautiously. Sometimes people in her state are like cornered animals: sudden movements startle them.

"How about just a drink?" I ask, fervently hoping I'm not coming across as creepy while motioning the bartender over at Livia's lifted shoulder.

I order another round for her and the special on tap for myself and watch as my joy-bloated soul glides over to her sad little blob.

Slowly. Slowly. Slowly.

At the kiss of contact, Livia shivers and sits up straighter as her eyes slide over to mine and then track my gaze behind her.

"What are you looking at?"

I let a tiny sip of bliss leak into her soul. It sucks greedily and I have to pull back a little. But Livia's smiling now. Holy shit, I love this part. So far, my first mission is five stars.

"Nothing," I return her smile. "Just taking in the scene."

Now her spirit floats again. It's small and tight but it's a start. Livia turns in her seat to face me. Progress. A rush of peachy joy streaks through my soul-not that she can see it.

The bartender brings our drinks and I slide some bills across the counter. Livia lifts hers for a sip but holds the glass at her lips and eyes me over the rim. Her soul bobs slightly over her shoulder now so I can't help but smile and her eyes squint a little as she grins back at me from behind her glass. She takes another sip and then sets her drink back on the bar, spinning it round and round with one hand.

I lift my own glass. It is perhaps the worst beer I've ever had and I can't keep that from my face.

She laughs, "The special sucks. I should have told you."

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