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This is just me projecting onto Nagito, dysphoria can be a bitch sometimes :,) slight Kazukomadam though, kaz does show up at the end but hes not the main point!!
100% inspired by my mutuals story (chapter 3 specifically) but its soudam and nsfw, their @ on ao3 is Gundhams_husband 10/10 recommend 🤤✌️

Nagito laid in bed, about to fall asleep, until he heard his husband's voice next to him. "Nagito, you cannot fall asleep just yet, you still need to shower and change from that dreadful breath limiter"
Nagito giggled a bit. "My binder? Fine, i'll shower just let me...Rest my eyes for a minute..." He again, started to doze off.

Gundham poked his side which startled Nagito, and he shot up. "AH-!" He quickly slapped his hand away and rubbed his side. "That hurt!" Nagito yelled at him. "Go shower." Gundham said sternly. "Why are you so reluctant to shower tonight?" He asked lightly rubbing Nagito's shoulder. "It's not important, just a little dysphoria is all.." Nagito sighed and smiled at him. "Hm...I know simply telling you you're handsome won't help the dysphoria in showering much..Would you like me to go in with you so you can focus on me instead of your mortal vessel?"
Nagito blushed a bit and giggled. He adored his dumb way of speaking.

"Are you sure you want to do something that big for me.? Im not that special.." He looked down at his hands and messed with his fingernails a bit. Gundham quickly kissed his cheek and hugged his waist. "Of course I am, quit talking so horribly about yourself...You're such a pretty boy.." Gundham smiled and kissed his forehead. "Now come on, you don't need to be embarrassed."

Nagito nodded and got up. "But uhm..We're uh-not going to have clothes on yknow-" Gundham rolled his eyes and shushed him. "I am aware of how a shower works. Just because we wont be clothed doesn't mean it has to be unwholesome, I don't think either of us are really ready for that.." Nagito nodded again and sighed. "I'll be in the bathroom then.." then he walked away, into the bathroom.


Gundham went up behind him and hugged him tightly. "Love why do you still have your binder on?"
Nagito huffed and frowned a bit. "I'm scared to take it off, it's like, the first time you'll see it off like
Completely..." Nagito looked at Gundham in the mirror and sighed. "Can I just shower with it on?"
Gundham lightly hit his arm and shook his head. "Of course not! That's dangerous!" Nagito lightly smiled and nodded. "You care about me too much.."
Gundham kissed the side of his head and smiled. "I care about you more than you think, now take off the binder, you can cover yourself with a towel until you're ready.."

Nagito blushed and nodded, he felt so loved every time Gundham showed any care for him, it was probably a low bar since he's his husband, but it still made him feel loved, which he almost never feels.

Nagito nodded and walked over to a towel rack, and took off his binder, very quickly wrapping the towel around himself. "I feel gross." Gundham stared at him, confused. "Why would you feel gross..I love you regardless of you being born in the wrong vessel, you're still a very pretty boy, if pretty makes you dysphoric right now, then you're a very handsome boy."
Nagito smiled and stared at him for a second. "You won't judge me-or anything, right..?"
Gundham shook his head and hugged him. "Of course not, quit letting your brain tell you untrue things."
Nagito nodded and stared at him. "I'll take it off just-look away first-!" Gundham chuckled and nodded, then turned around. "Just tell me when you're ready dear."

Eventually after taking the towel off Nagito tapped his shoulder. "UhM-ohgod..Y-youcanturnaround" Gundham smiled and turned around. "Alright, cold or hot water?" Nagito looked a bit shocked. "Huh.? Uhm-hot I guess..?"

Gundham smiled softly and turned the hot water on, and helped Nagito inside. "Here, i'll be back, I just need to get us both towels.." Gundham quickly kissed his forehead and walked out. Nagito stood against the wall and hugged himself, getting more insecure by the second.

Gundham came back and put the towels on the bathroom counter, then got in the shower with Nagito.

Nagito looked away and stared at the wall. "Hehe-Love you don't need to be embarrassed.." Gundham started messing with his hair making sure it all got wet. "You're so pretty, Nagi.." Nagito blushed a bit and shook his head, which splashed water at Gundham. "Ah-! Rude!" Gundham messed up his hair more and giggled. "Shut up just get this over with.." Nagito turned around and stared at the floor still hugging himself. Gundham lightly pat his head.

Gundham took some shampoo and started washing his hair. "Are you feeling alright?" Gundham looked over his shoulder and lightly kissed his cheek. "I am, yeah.." Nagito very lightly blushed. Gundham smiled and nodded. "That's good, if you ever get uncomfortable please tell me.." Nagito nodded and smiled, Gundham continued washing his hair.

Eventually Gundham was finished with his hair and lightly poked his back. "Close your eyes so I can rinse.." Which Nagito did. Gundham started rinsing his hair, and started staring at him while doing so. He loved how pretty he looked all the time, his hair was always really soft, and fluffy looking. Gundham finished rinsing his hair and smiled, then started conditioning his hair. "You're so dumb.." Nagito smiled and kept his eyes closed.

Gundham finished conditioning his hair and poked his shoulder. "Let's wash your body while we let the conditioner sit.." Nagito went silent for a second then nodded. "I was worried about this part." He sighed and turned his head to face him, Gundham took the opportunity and quickly kissed him. "We can start with your back so you dont need to worry about that just yet.." Gundham smiled and lightly hugged him, Nagito smiled back. "Alright.."

Gundham took some body wash and a rag, he then put some on the rag and started lathering it up.

Gundham smiled and started gently scrubbing his back with one hand, and rubbing his shoulder with the other. "I love you, Gundham..." Nagito mumbled a bit while saying this, Gundham smiled at how sweet it was, so he kissed his cheek. "I love you, as well.."

Gundham softly kissed his cheek and rinsed his back off. "Do you want to wash the front-? I assume you'd be more comfortable with that.." Gundham said while lightly playing with his hair. "Ah uhm..actually you can..it's alright." Nagito smiled and lightly kissed his hand. Gundham smiled and nodded.


Afterwards, Gundham quickly kissed Nagito, and turned off the shower. "Ah-cold-" Nagito lightly hugged himself and shivered a bit. "Ah, here.." Gundham took a towel and wrapped it around him. "Now come on love..we can cuddle, turn on the heater, then turn on some random movie or music, and just relax.." Nagito nodded, he loved that idea. "Yeah that sounds nice.." Gundham smiled and took a towel, wrapping it around his own waist. "Ok, Come on, love.."

Nagito followed him out of the bathroom and sat on their bed. "I'll grab some clothes for you, don't worry, they'll be oversized." Gundham said as he turned on their heater and walked out. Nagito laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling fan. "geez, I don't deserve him.."

Gundham eventually came back, wearing a t-shirt and some sweatpants, and was holding a big hoodie with some baggy pants, the hoodie was probably Kazuichi's, and the pants were definitely Gundham's. Nagito smiled as Gundham handed the clothes to him. "Thank you.." Nagito got up and left to change, and when he came back, Gundham was already in bed waiting for Nagito. "You're so sweet.." Nagito said as he laid next to him, and rested his head on his chest. "Kazuichi said he will be home soon, do you want to wait for him or sleep now?"
Nagito thought for a second and shrugged. "I can wait.."

After a while of Gundham playing with Nagito's hair and occasionally scritching his head, Kazuichi came home and walked in. "God today sucked ass, no one was there and I had to stay overtime to fill in for everyone!" Kazuichi complained. "Hey why do you both have your hair wet-?" Nagito giggled tiredly and hid in Gundham's shoulder. "Did you two fuck?"
Gundham IMMEDIATELY freaked out and threw the tv remote at him. "WE WOULD NEVER DO SUCH UNWHOLESOME THINGS, YOU CRETIN!"
Kazuichi laughed and caught the remote. "Kaz I'm way too tired for this we just showered together." Nagito mumbled tiredly. "Oh shit, alright." Kazuichi changed into a t-shirt and shorts, then laid next to Nagito.

"Night, loveya both.." Kazuichi smiled and hugged Nagito's waist, immediately falling sleep. "Well, sleep well my love.." Gundham quickly kissed Nagito's forehead and smiled at him. Nagito smiled back and nodded. "Goodnight, stupid."
They both ended up falling asleep around the same time, cuddling each other while Kazuichi held Nagito.

Them 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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