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As the QE, DOY, KGV, Illustrious, Warspite, Hood, and Bismarck head to the Eagle Union, U-556 followed them, shocking Bismarck and Hood

U-556: Lord Bismarck!!!

Bismarck: AHHH!!!

Hood: What are you doing here?

U-556: I just want to come with Lord Bismarck so I followed her

Bismarck: You could've just asked me

U-556: But you've already left when I'm trying to find you. Can I come?

Hood: Well since you're already here you could come

U-556: YAY!!!

and then Hood tells the others that U-556  is coming with them and then they head to the Eagle Union

At the Eagle Union Docks

As the Group head to the docks, they saw a woman waiting for them probably an Essex class

???: Hello and welcome to the Eagle Union

Warspite: Oh Hello to are you new here

Ticonderoga: Yep Allow me to introduce myself I'm USS Ticonderoga from the Essex-class

Ticonderoga: Yep Allow me to introduce myself I'm USS Ticonderoga from the Essex-class

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Hood: Oh ok 

Ticonderoga: By the way why are you here? 

Hood: Were here to talk to Ms. Enterprise and Cleveland

Ticonderoga: Oh ok Boise, Morrison, Archerfish please bring them to the Meeting room, I'll Call Enterprise and Cleveland and bring them into the meeting room to 

Boise, Morrison, and Archerfish: Ok!!!



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Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hood and Chibi Bismarck cuddling

As Enterprise and Cleveland enter the Meeting room they saw QE, DOY, KGV, Illustrious, Warspite, Hood, Bismarck, and U-556

Enterprise: Thank you Ticonderoga you may leave us 

Ticonderoga: Alright *leaves the room*

QE: Well hello there Miss Enterprise

Enterprise: Hello QE what brings you here

Warspite: Nothing just visiting and checking if our allies ok 

Cleveland: Well it's a shame you didn't meet the Commander of our base

Illustrious: A Commander you say, where is he?

Cleveland: He's said he is going somewhere but we didn't know the details

Enterprise: Oh by the way Hood how are you holding up after Wales death?

Hood: I'm fine but we've discovered something after Wales death

Enterprise: Ohh what is it

DOY: She isn't dead

Hood: And she is here right Illustrious

Illustrious: Yes but how did she passed your waters

Enterprise and Cleveland: *Shocked and silent*

KGV: Bullshit *stands up* why did you hide her for 10 years!

QE: KGV go back to you-

Enterprise: Well because of what she said to us about you, your prideful voice 

and then KGV remained became silent and sits at her chair again

Cleveland: Finally someone shut up you mouth

Hood: So the reason she stayed here is because of the Incident 10 years ago isn't

Enterprise: Well ye-

and then someone opened the door revealing Ticonderoga 

Ticonderoga: Miss Enterprise!!!

Enterprise: What is it Ticonderoga?

Ticonderoga: Sirens have attacked Califonia and taking the land by force


Ticonderoga: Luckily all of the civilians evacuated well not all

Cleveland: What do you mean?

Ticonderoga: A distress signal was sent just for you

Enterprise: Let's hear it

and then Ticonderoga plays the message

"This Sheriff Wales speaking"

Everyone was shocked 

"Requesting for a pick-up here for a family of 5 they are stuck in the derbis so I helped them... I have already Evacuated the entire town here good thing there are hidden weapons in the town here so I could protect this Family but I won't know if I can't keep up much longer I need someone to pick up the family here and Enterprise the sirens are attacking at the California beaches destroy them alright.... Over and out"

As they finished hearing the message

Enterprise: Ticonderoga send New Jersey, San Fransisco, Boise, Morrison, Archerfish at California you and I will follow shortly will bring others

Ticonderoga: Yes ma'am

Hood: Could we come, we may help

Enterprise: Do you know how to use a gun 

Hood: A pistol yes

Enterprise: Alright You and Hood will pick-up the family saved by Wales 

Bismarck: Alright

Enterprise: The Rest follow me

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