Chapter Two

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"I'm letting you boys know now, you're definitely going to need some time to rest. Getting a stand hurts like hell. Maybe you can actually focus on your morning studies instead of running around every morning." Polpo said, holding a wooden arrow with a golden head on it.

Bruno and Prosciutto nodded. They were happy to get to take a break, even if it meant they couldn't grab breakfast sandwiches from the cafe down the street. Prosciutto being especially glad he'd get to sleep past 5:30 AM for the first time in nearly 4 years since he met Bruno. 

"Bruno, you're up first." Polpo said, as he motioned for him to come closer to him. 

Polpo's stand, Black Sabbath appeared in front of the three of them, and even though only Polpo could see his stand, the others would soon see Black Sabbath too. It began to circle around Bruno, almost as if it were deciding where to strike him with the arrow. 

It was sudden and it hurt like hell, just as Polpo said it would. The arrow shot through Bruno's stomach and while all physical wounds were immediately healed, the pain was still evident as Bruno fell and curled up into a roll. He let out a scream and Prosciutto ran to his side. 

"Bruno!" Prosciutto yelled, but it wasn't long until Black Sabbath had shot the arrow again, this time, through Prosciutto's chest. 

Prosciutto's physical wounds were also immediately and he tried his best to hold in a scream. He collapsed next to Bruno and passed out from the pain. Bruno passing out only moments later. 

Polpo looked at the boys before picking them up and bring them to their room. "They're not dead. They were meant for this. It's unfortunate how fate has played them." 

                                      ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

After nearly sleeping all day, Prosciutto was the first to wake up. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand, reading 9:24 PM. 


He grabbed his book from his nightstand and began to read it. It was a book about the murder of a high school principal. Completely fictional but it was still an interesting read nonetheless. 

He continued reading and suddenly it was nearly 10:00 PM. 

"Prosci?" Bruno whispered.

"You're never gonna drop that nickname are you?" Prosciutto yawned. 

"Nope. But guess what," Bruno continued to whisper. "I decided what I want my stand to be named." 

"What are you going to name your stand?" 

"Sticky Fingers."

Prosciutto gave Bruno a questioning look, "Like the Rolling Stones album?" 

"Yeah. It's got some of their best songs." Bruno responded.

"Cool." Prosciutto responded, closing the book and putting it back on his nightstand with another yawn. 

"I'm going back to sleep." Bruno yawned out before turning over.

"Same here." Prosciutto.

"Good night Grateful Dead." Bruno whispered.

"Good night Sticky Fingers." Prosciutto whispered back.

                                      ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

As time moved on, the two boys became 18. Polpo mentioned it was time for them to find teams of their own. Prosciutto had been asked by Risotto Nero, a 20 year old, to join the assassination team, finding great use of his stand's abilities and Prosciutto's own physical fighting skill. Polpo had Bruno become the leader of the body guarding squad and he went on his own to find members of his new team. Throughout this time though, Bruno and Prosciutto started talking to each other less and less. With more missions coming for the both of them, they barely had time to chat or even send a letter to each other. 

One afternoon, Bruno was finally free from work for the day. Leaving the others to be watched over by Leone, he made his way to a location that only he and Prosciutto knew and to his surprise, Prosciutto was there. 

"So it's been a bit." Prosciutto said. 

"It really has been. How's life for you?" Bruno asked. 

"It's been pretty normal. Why don't we head to the base. It's about time you meet our other recruits." Prosciutto said, walking away motioning for Bruno to follow him. 

"Ya know, I have to do the same, even though one of em calls me 'Mom' for some odd reason." Bruno laughed. 

"It's probably that haircut. I've said this before and I'll say it again, you'd probably look better in a pony tail. Your hair is long enough." Prosciutto said, as he rounded a corner.

The two of them walked up the stairs to their house and Prosciutto let Bruno walk in first. 

"You brought a visitor Prosciutto?" Asked a man with silver hair. 

"Risotto, meet Bruno Bucciarati. He's an old friend of mine from way back." Prosciutto said.

"Nice to meet you, Risotto." Bruno held his hand out as he looked up at the 6'3 giant who reached out his hand as well.

"Nice to meet you as well." Risotto said, giving a firm handshake. 

"You're in charge of the body guarding team right?" Risotto asked. 

"As well as the debt-collecting squad, yes." Bruno replied.

Prosciutto made his way around the other members having them meet Bruno. Afterwards, they sat down at the counter, both with a glass of white wine. They were talking about making a group sparring practice, matching up sparring partners to see who evenly take on the others. It was getting late and Risotto offered to take Bruno home with Prosciutto. 

"Thank you for the ride Risotto. Thanks again Prosciutto. Hope to see you guys again soon!" Bruno said from the outside of the passenger window. 

"Seeya soon brother." Prosciutto said waving bye as Risotto drove off and Bruno stepped into his house where he was greeted by the members of his team. 

Little did either of them know that it'd be the last time seeing each other before a fateful day on a train.  

                                      ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Author's Notes: 

That's the end of the fic everyone. Thank you for reading.

I don't exactly have the heart to write out the train fight scene. So I'll leave that to the imagination. 

This story is a lot shorter than I thought it would be but it's alright. I'm still proud of it. 

Brothers - A Bruno Bucciarati and Prosciutto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now