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(AN. So you have al the imformation in the description so enjoy this.)

"I can't believe I got into a new fandom." The host groaned as she set everything up for her guests.

"And I still haven't finished the Hamilton reacts yet." The host sighed.

"Oh well, might as well bring them now." The host said snapping her fingers, then a bright, white light covered the small room.

"OWWWWW!"said someone in the crowd, as the light dimmed.

"Okay, I'll skip the indroductions, welcome to my house bla bla bla, so you guys are going to watch "Tangled", Kapish?" The host sighed as she went to go grab a broom when she heard something shattering.

" WAit Wait! Slow down! Where are we? And what do you want wth us!?" Cassandra said standing in front of Rapunzel with her arms out.

" I just explained it!" The host groaned, "You guys are going to watch a movie about how Rapunzel meet Eugene and the horse, well you get the idea." She shrugged.

"THERE'S A MOVIE ABOUT MY LIFE?!" Rapunzel gasped giddily.

" More or less, it's mostly about how you left the tower and those friends you made along the way." The host said

" Then why am I here?" Another voice said as the lights turned fully on.

" AHHHH!" Lance yelped and jumped into Eugene's arms knocking them both down.

"Oh hi Varian" The host said waving to him, " I just wanted to see your reactions to watching the movie!" She said

" Do you know who I am!?" Varian asked confused.

" I'm pretty sure, Your name is Varian, Your dad got trapped in the rocks, you turn good a---" I should stop there." The host said sheepishly as Lance and Eugene got back up.

" Um...Random girl who brought us here, I'm gonna call you "Clueless", but um.... Varian is kinda bad right now." Eugene said dusting himself off, while Varian pointed at him to say what he was saying is right.

"First off, my name is......well, you can call me Eliza, and secound, you think I don't know that? i mean this is coming from a TTS big time fangirl." Eliza said glaring at Eugene.

"Wait one hot secound, if already know then why would you trap us in a room with that unstabled kid!" Lance asked then shrieked when Varian glared at him.

"Like I said, I just wanted to see all of your reactions. Which is also why I brought Pascal, and Ruddiger," Eliza said spreading her arms and Pascal and Ruddiger fell of of nowhere in a big flash.

" Pascal!" Rapunzel yelled at the same time, Varian yelled Ruddiger.

"Now that everyone is confortable," Eliza started but was intterupted by Cassandra.

"I'm sorry but we are difinately NOT confortable." Cassandra growled

"Fineeeeeeeee," Eliza groaned as she sapped her fingers and sofas, blankets, and a big gigantic T.V flashed into the room.

"Me casa is tu casa, Now that we are all situated I will start the movie." She said as Rapunzel and Lance sat down.

Eugene, Cassandra, and Varian still were standing.

"No way I'm getting comfortable when a rando person kidnapped us and trapped us in aa room with a traitor kid." Eugene said glaring at Varian.

"Yeah, I would prefer to not sit down when I'm next to an egotistic crook," Varian grumbled

" I'm trained to protect the princess so yeah, I'm staying here." Cassandra said with her arms crossed.

"If you say so." Eliza said shrugging her shoulders.

"C'mon Eugene! This blankets are so soft!" Rapunzel said wrapping her whole body in one.

" Nope. Staying right here." Eugene said still glaring at Varian.

"Well, since I really love compitions how about, Lets, see who can stand the longest without sitting down!" Eliza said standing up.

"Sorry, but I'm not here fo---" Eugene started but was interrupted when Lance jumped up.

"I bet I can stand longer than you!" Lance yelled

"Oh game on!" Eugene said.

" Boys...." Cassandra said dissaproving.

"Sorry but there's no way you can beat me!" Eliza said glaring at them.

"Now lets start the show!" Eliza said clapping her hands as the T.V turned on.

"Also I watch my movies in the dark so, yeah" Eliza shrugged as the lights turned off filling the room with the T.V light.

"Now, we can start the movie." Eliza said.

(AN. The end of a chapter! I tried to fit they're personalities the best way. Tell me if you stop any grammer errors(I know there are a lot) and comment, vote and share!)

Tangled the series characters watch the movie "Tangled"Where stories live. Discover now