New Beginnings

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"I'm just glad you're safe."

Mason held me in his arms and I took in his scent. A mix of expensive cologne and pine. There was also something kind of rusty, but I couldn't quite place it. I pulled away, Mason making sure to give me one last squeeze before I actually left his arms. " much did I drink last night because I can't even remember going out." I chuckled. Mason shook his head. 

"I don't know exactly, but I'm guessing a lot." He laughed a bit. I always thought that hangover was synonymous with 'pounding headache' but I wasn't feeling any pain, just an odd sense of emptiness. I don't exactly know how to explain it. I feel like somethings missing almost. Mason lifts my chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Are you sure you're ok? Nothing hurts too much?" He seems more worried than he should be, but he is kind of overprotective. "Yes, Mason. I'm fine I promise. It doesn't even hurt that much." He sighed in relief. "That's good. Let's get you something greasy. I've heard it's great for hangovers." Mable walked through the door. "You know, if you want grease, you gotta go to greasys" Mason deadpanned her. "Oh no, really? I would have never been able to tell." Mable bowed and turned. "You're welcome." She yelled, waving and walking away. We both laughed and left.

When we walked into the diner and were immediately hit with the smell of bacon and bacon grease. And coffee, a lot of coffee. "Coffee sounds so good right now." I said. Mason nodded in agreement and went up to the bar to order. I sat down and looked around, still trying to remember at least some semblance of what happened last night. I heard the bell on the door make a little *tink* before two people walked in. I recognized them as the two kids that didn't like Mason. I wondered why they were here, and why they looked so frightened. They were frantically walking around as if they were looking for something. I locked eyes with the little one, and he turned and whispered to the girl. She pointed at Mason and they both nodded. She walked up to me, handed me something then frantically ran out, her cousin in tow.

I looked at the little crumpled note, sliding it into my pocket. I wondered what it said, but I knew I couldn't read it here. Something told me if I did, nothing good would come from it. Mason sat down as my phone, which I hadn't noticed was in my pocket, chimed. I pulled it out and saw a message from someone named Paz_Paz_777. 'don't let dipper see the note. trust me and even though I knew I shouldn't, I listened to her. Something just felt wrong. "Who's that?" Mason asked, setting down a plate with bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns on it.  "Oh, someone followed me on instagram." I turned off my phone, sliding it into my pocket. I began to dig into the food. I felt like I hadn't eaten in days, so my stomach was cramping. "Woah, calm down. You're gonna make yourself throw up." He chuckled. 

"Sorry," I said in between mouthfuls. "Hungry."

As I was eating, I couldn't help but wonder about the note. And the dm. And why this hangover felt more like amnesia. I looked at Mason, who was sitting across from me, drinking coffee. "It's like we're on a date." I laughed. Mason smiled warmly. 

"Let's make it a date then. After you're done, we'll go to the clearing. Yeah?" I smiled widely. "Yeah!!" I said excitedly. He smiled again. 

"You really need to stop doing that," he says. I blink at him. "What?" he smiles. "Doing things that make me wanna kiss you." I laughed. 

"Hey, you stole my line." I said, fake offended. He laughed again.

My phone chimed again as I finished eating. "Oh, my mom's getting back tomorrow." I say, smiling down at my phone. Dipper nods and puts down money on the table. "Then let's go now, while I still have you to myself." I smiled and grabbed his hand as we walked out.

Masons POV
Gods, I love their smile. And their eyes, sweet lords their eyes. The way they shone with passion, and love. Love for me. Love that can be apparently taken away. Love that I thought was unconditional. I didn't know how wrong I was. I'm going to have to fix this before I give them back their amulet. There's no way I can trust if...I need to calm down. Of course, I can trust them. We love each other, and nothing is going to take away that love again. I'll make sure of it. I see them reach their hand up to their neck. "Mason my amulet is missing!" I debated on whether or not I should tell them. I cupped their face and tried to calm them down. "It's ok, I took it off you last night so it wouldn't choke you in your sleep." They sighed in relief. 

"Oh my, Mason you are a lifesaver." I kissed their cheek and smiled. 

"Anything for you, darling. Anything."

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