Present Troubles

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As we walked to the clearing my mind wandered back to the note and that girl. Why had she and her cousin looked so...scared? "Hey, Mason?" I asked. He hummed in response, a little question of his own. "Do you think, well... Do you think I'm scary?" He turned around suddenly. 

"Why would you ask a silly question like that?" He walks closer to me. 

"Well, some people," 'people' meaning Pacifica and her cousin. "Seem wary of me." Mason comes up to me, lifting my chin up so I meet his eyes. "You're not scary." I sighed in relief. 

"Oh well, that's good because-"

"You're terrifying."

"...What?" He smiled, his hand slid from my chin to my cheek holding my face. 

"Yup, and you should be proud of it." I smiled, my head tilting slightly. 

"Proud?" he chuckled. 

"Proud," he echoed. "Own it. If people are scared of you, good. They should be. Let them know they can't mess with you, and then I won't have to kill anyone." He said jokingly. I laughed a bit, placing my hand over his. 

"I guess you're right," he smirked. 

"I'm always right." I laughed again and pushed away his hand. 

"You're so dumb," I said, a goofy grin on my face. He smiles back at me and walks away. I follow close behind, not wanting to lose him. I know how to get to the clearing but I wanna walk with him. I think I him.

Mason's POV

I began walking to the clearing wanting to get there quickly so I could show Y/N what I had planned. Turns out, a certain dream demon had other plans. I sighed in frustration as time slowed around me. "Nice pep talk, Burning Tree." I heard a familiar, annoying, voice call out. "What do you want, Bill?" I heard his (stupid) laugh as he materialized before me. "Human form, huh? What, trying to show off?" He laughed again. 

"Not exactly! Anyways back to the topic at hand." A clump of hands fell on the ground around me. "Wow, scary," I say, sarcastically. Bill snaps. 

"Darn, thought for sure I would get you with that one. Anyway, what I actually came here for." A spotlight shined down on y/n. "What do you plan on doing with them?" He asked, his smile widening. I scoffed. "What do you care demon?" he laughs. 

"Really, I'm the demon here? Listen, I like that kid. Why do you think I gave them a gift? Speaking of which," he snapped and the amulet was back around their neck "Take it again, and I'll turn all of the bones in your body to dust!" he said, just a little too enthusiastically. I sighed. 

"If I die-" he cut me off 

"then you die.  I want to control this one's death so they die you die got it?" I laughed. 

"Do you even have the power to do that?" he snapped, tape suddenly covering my mouth. 

"As a matter of fact, I do. That amulet is connected to their life force, if they die or even get hurt while wearing it, it'll explode into a giant burst of magical energy, destroying reverse falls. I only need your sister dimension, so this town could get nuked for all I care." my face paled 

"Why do you care so much?!" I demanded. He looked down, his eyes glowing 

"Let me show you."

Tainted friendship [HIATUS]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن