The past presents itself

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Mason's POV

The world slowly faded to black around us, leaving only me and Bill standing in the darkness. "Y/N!" I called out. Bill hushed me, turning away. 

"They're fine, calm down Buring Tree." I nodded. 

"You better be right." I snapped at him. He laughed. 

"I'm never wrong."  He said in a sing-songy voice. He began walking and ushered me to follow him. I had to slightly jog to catch up. "So, what do you want to show me?" I asked. 

"Be patient, Tree. You'll see soon enough." We walked for what felt like hours before a door appeared in front of me. "Ah, here it is!" Bill smiled, his cane disappeared as he reached for the doorknob. He opened the door, and the force pulled us in like a black hole. 

I landed on my ass, bright lights filling my vision. "Where are we?" I asked Bill, who had caught himself mid-air. "An old memory." He said, slight remorse showing in his voice. He placed himself in this supposed 'memory', what looked to be a school of some sort. "Johnny!" I heard a sweet voice behind me yell. I turned around to see a young, but familiar face. "y/n?" I asked, but they couldn't see me. They ran right through me. "That was weird," I stated. My eyes followed them as they ran up to Bill and threw their arms around his neck. He no longer appeared as the stupid man in the yellow tailcoat jacket, but a teenaged boy with dark hair and green eyes. "Johnny? Really?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"That's what they saw me as." I sighed and they continued. "Hey y/n," he asked, ruffling their hair. They smiled up at him. "Do you know what today is?" they asked. Bill, or rather Johnny, tapped his chin. "Hmmm...I don't know." They cast their head down, smile lost. 

" Oh.." they said quietly. Bill smiled and pulled out a bracelet. 

"Happy birthday, love." He said, and they perked up. 

"You did remember!" They yelled, jumping up and down slightly. He laughed. 

"Of course I did, how could I forget my baby's birthday." They smiled. 

My eyes widened. "Hold on, pause," I said throwing my hands up. The memory did just that, freezing in place. "Love? My baby? YOU DATED Y/N!?" I demanded. Bill shook his head. 

"Johnny dated y/n, we just happened to make a deal. He gets his 'dream partner', I get control of his body from time to time. Being in a stupid meat suit that has feelings for another meat suit has,' he waved his hands around vaguely. "Consequences." he sighed. "See now, why I 'care' so much," he said, putting the care in air quotes. I couldn't believe it. 

"You have...feelings for y/n?" He had to be kidding, right? He sighed, 

"Unfortunately, yes. I thought killing the meat sack would help with this little... problem of mine but..." He sighed. "That's why I want to help them. That's why they're not dead right now, for screwing up my little mission." I nodded solemnly. "So-" I interrupted him. 

"So...they die, we all die." Bill grinned. 

"Now you've got it, good job." He snapped and we were back in the woods. "Take care of them, ok? Or I'll make sure all your organs get filled with sand and take them back." He laughed. "Have fun on your date Burning Tree. Don't fuck it up." and just like that, he was gone. I turned back to y/n, time slowly resuming. "What are we going to do with you, darling?"

Tainted friendship [HIATUS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang