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"I'm Sorry, mum." The three words that I was scared of saying. And the reason I said these words was because I lost my 'job' to do YouTube full time. I can understand why she's angry, I might not even get 100,00 subscribers, and she thinks I'm copying my brother, which I mean sort of am, he was the one who told me it was a job.

"I can't believe you're wasting your career on this shit" She shouted for the fiftieth time. Not only did she look angry, but she looked disappointed. "If you want to be like your brother so much, why don't you go live with him?"

"Mum, you know he has a roommate!" I tried telling her, but she had already taken her phone and started ringing someone (probably my brother).

"Yeah, thank you, hon. Bye." She then hung up and looked at me. "Go pack your stuff"

"W-what?" I replied shocked

"You heard. You're going to stop with your brother and you're getting the train tomorrow." She then walked away with that cold expression.

I went to bed thinking about what the fuck just happened. But i didn't get any sleep because i was to busy packing my monitor, clothes, cork board, chargers and my flag.

When it hit 9:00am I went downstairs and saw mum making pancakes. "You know where the cereal is." She told me bluntly.

I went to cupboard and got the Cheerios, but changed my mind and went back upstairs to get changed. I ended up wearing a black top that said 'suck it up' on it, an oversized flannel, some jeans, a pair of doc martins and a beanie. I then picked up all my bags and walked downstairs.

"Mum?" I asked


"Can I borrow some money for the train?"

She groaned and walked over to me, "Don't you have your own money?" Even though she asked this, she gave me £20. "You can leave now, "She said to me with no emotion in her voice.

"Bye." I then left the house flipping my mother off through the window so she could see it

I headed to Ettie's house to tell her the news. Walking through my neighbourhood, I was thinking about all my childhood memories. The time me and mum had a teddy bear tea party. The time me and Ettie had a water balloon fight. And the time when I broke mums plant pot while playing football, that was... fun.

As I got to Ettie's house, I hesitantly knocked at the door and waited. All of a sudden the door opened.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" they asked me.

"Well I'm going to be staying in London for some time, and thought I should let you know." I told her

"Wow! You going to stay with your brother?"

"Yeah. Don't worry I'll be back soon," I told her and gave her a hug.

"Yeah, yeah. Have fun," she replied, hugging me back.

"Bye sweet cheeks." I shouted to them jokily, then walked off.

I then headed to the train station, got my ticket and waited for my train. When it finally came, I look at the gateway and said goodbye in my head. I didn't know how long i would be in London for, maybe a month probably longer. I got on my train, put my earbuds in and listened to burn it down by Daughter and looked out the window.

I'll see you soon

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