Good morning

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I woke up to the sound of George and Alex shouting about something. George always had to argue about the littlest of things.

I groan and sit up, wanting to go back to sleep but not being able to. I end up getting out of bed and going over to the closet. I pick a plain black shirt, one of my brothers hoodies he put out as merch with 'virgin' written on the front, plain black ripped jeans and a pair of black socks. I brushed my hair and left the room.

They stopped shouting at each other after they heard me leave my room, "What the fuck was that about?" I asked, going to sit on the sofa.

"Just Alex trying to make breakfast but burning the bacon." George slightly shouted, glaring at Alex. What is his problem?! We all leave food on the stove for to long sometimes, so why is he shouting at Alex about it?

I walked over to him and slapped him across the face, "You always have to fucking shout at people for little things that you have done yourself. So stop trying to act like you're better then everyone else." I then went back over to the sofa and put on the tv.

All of a sudden a very angry/embarrassed George walked over to me, "First of, this is my house not yours so don't tell me what to do, and secondly, when did you do lectures? You've definitely spent to much time with mum." He then walked back to the kitchen and turned the stove back on.

Alex then walked walked over to the living room and sat on the other sofa, going on his phone. After a moment of silence started a conversation about random shit.

"Child, Dobby, come get your breakfast!" George shouted over to us. I turned the tv off and headed over to the kitchen, Alex behind me. "See look, I'm so much better at making bacon and eggs." George said with a smug smile on his face.

As soon as I saw the food I felt sick. There was way to much. 2 slices of bacon 1 egg and 2 slices of toast. "I don't want it." I said looking at the food.

George then immediately looked at me with a confused face, "why not? I made it for you. It use to be your favourite." He asked

I then gagged looking at it. "I'll be back in a second." I immediately ran over to the bathroom and locked the door. I leaned over the toilet bowl and threw up even though there wasn't anything in my body apart from water.

"Y/n? You ok in there?" I heard Alex ask. I couldn't reply just yet as i was still throwing up. As finished i wiped my mouth with some toilet paper and went over to the door unlocking it. "Y/n, are you ok?" Alex asked me as soon as I opened the door.

I brought my eyes up from the floor to his, "Yeah I'm good, just got a weird feeling all of a sudden." I told him with a slight smile.

"Do you want some water?" He asks me with a worried expression on his face. I felt bad for making him worried and didn't want him running round after me so I just told him I was fine and I was gonna head to my room for a bit.

When I got in my room, I began to cry. I was upsetting people around me with things that they don't need to be worried about. I sat down on my bed and began to think about every imperfection about myself. My nose, my eyes, my voice. Everything.

I don't deserve anything.

My Famous BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora