Chapter 1. "Don't Try to Pick Between Tea and Coffee" Gin

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On a silent, moonless night, two men silently cross a bridge, one from both directions. Harmless from a distance, but closely, you could see the hidden weapons in their clothing.

Where there is darkness, danger lurks.

"Excuse me. Are you Katsura Kotarou?" asked one of the men, the shorter, older male.

The other man stiffened, as if surprised. Being a wanted outlaw, commoners were sure to look out for him, in hopes of receiving the large bounty on his head. Their reasons were infinite. Families needing to be fed, debts needing to be paid, comforts wanting to be fulfilled. The list was endless, but he could feel no pity for them.

"No. You've got the wrong person." the man replied, with certainty in his voice. But his long black hair was a dead giveaway. Everyone knew that that long black hair belonged to the infamous bomber, Katsura Kotarou.

The shorter, stouter man chuckled, and in a reassuring voice, said, "Don't worry. I'm not one of those dogs from the government. You can trust me." But the way light reflected off his face seemed strange, unhuman.

In the dim moonlight, Katsura spotted the faint glimmer of a substance he was very familiar with. A substance that had ended many a man's life. A substance that had almost ended his, on several occasions. Cold, razor-sharp steel, that belonged to an intimidating blade. A blade in the older man's hand.

Katsura saw it, and played along, hoping that somehow, this would work.

"Hmm. I heard that someone around this area has been testing his blade out on the passerby. Don't you think it's dangerous to holding a weapon? Someone might assume that you're the killer."

The older man just laughed.

"Kid, I choose my victims wisely. My partner and I hunger for the blood of a great warrior." he laughed again, saying, "Why don't you humor me for a bit?"

Katsura placed his hand on the handle of his blade, ready to attack, when he felt something. Something sharp.

I-impossible...! He thought, still as a statue.

He only walked past me, barely drawing his weapon! But that sword...!

A body fell, hitting the sturdy wood of the bridge. The older man smiled at the sight of the legendary bomber's corpse, blood staining his white haori, the jacket-like clothing that the outlaw always wore.

"That all you've got? I excepted much more from the legendary Katsura Kotarou." He put an emphasis on the 'legendary'.

The older man sighed.

"You're a hundred years to young to defeat me."

And the victor walked away.


The Next Morning...

"Damn that Kagura, why does she eat so much?" Gin grumbled as he dragged five bulging shopping bags along the path. They were all full of pickled seaweed. Gross stuff.

She's strong as hell, but eats more than her worth.

Edo had just awoken, the farmers planting, the hostesses flirting, and the Yorozuya Boss lugging food back to a girl with a demon's appetite. But she was more of a demon than a person. Not even close to being a girl.

As he neared his home, Gin saw a crowd of people staring at the riverbank below a bridge. Tension was in the air, and the people looked terrified. As he approached, Gin realized that it was a false alarm. Some stranger had fallen to the mysterious killer again. It didn't matter if someone died. It was just a stranger. Gin had seen enough deaths in his lifetime to not fuss over them anymore, unlike normal people. But the irritating crowd did make him fuss.

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