Chapter 2. "Deaf People Are Sometimes Complete Trolls." Gin

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Kagura and Shinpachi stared at the closed door, then blinked twice and went mad with rage, yelling and screaming, and ranting about what a fool their boss was. Why did they work for such a slacker?

Eventually, they calmed down, and went back to their client.

Shinpachi slamed a glass of strawberry milk down on the coffee table, splashing some onto Elizabeth.

"Here, have some." he said, in the best friendly voice he could muster.

But inside, Shinpachi was terrified. What if it didn't like it? Did it even notice the pink liquid splattered over it's snow-white body? How much laundry detergent would it take to remove the stains? How much money would the detergent cost?

Elizabeth looked down.

A day long ago, when the world was different, at a small bar...

"Elizabeth-chan. A samurai must only eat the simplest of foods." said her former owner and friend, Katsura.

She stared down at the guilty cup of strawberry milk.

He continued.

"To even consume things such as chocolate parfaits or strawberry milk... it will not only destroy your body, but corrupt your mind as well." 

Katsura took the glass, and threw it out onto the street.

Much to Shinpachi and Kagura's surprise, four tears plopped onto the wooden surface of the table, instantly darkening the wood.

As they looked at Elizabeth's pinkish face, they gasped in awe as a river of tears began to flow out from the creature's oversized eyes. Then those tears wetted it's lap, and then the couch, dampening the soft fabric.

"We did it! It's crying!" shouted Kagura, cerulean eyes full of glee. She clapped her hands and jumped around. The tension completely broke

"She really likes it that much?" asked Shinpachi, wishing he could believe the same things as Kagura. He was too prudent.

"Idiot!" She smacked his head, for seemingly no apparent reason.

"Those are tears of joy, it loves it!" she protested, continuously whacking her poor comrade.

"But something doesn't seem right..." he complained, only to receive another one of Kagura's painful blows.


A large hammer pounded against a red-hot piece of iron. Then the small hammer. Then the large one, creating a loud and resonating sound. They took turns, alternating themselves to get the job done.

Gin had a pinky in each ear, grimacing due to the irritating noise.

"Excuse me. I'm the Yorozuya guy!" he called, staring at the sibling smiths.

They were in a small and crowded area of Edo, in a shanty-house that had a sign reading 'swordsmith' plastered onto the decaying wall outside. A shack in shambles.

"Excuse me! I'm the Yorozuya guy!" he called once again, raising his voice. They didn't answer.

Strange enough, the younger-looking girl with messy blue hair was wielding the larger tool. Her light brown uniform was stained with soot, and nothing but a piece of red ribbon kept her messy hair from.flopping into her face. He stared at her chest.

Yep. A girl, but just beginning to bloom... I wonder how she'll look when she's older...

Gin studied his other client, the man wielding the petite hammer. He was an experienced smith, no doubt, with years of work showing on his aging face. His navy blue eyebrows were bunched up in concentration, and his expression made Gin think that he was being ignored.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2013 ⏰

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