Day three: the heat

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Izuku's pov
I work up at 5 am hot and sweating in pain. I knew it was time for my heat but I didn't know it was gonna be one of the worse ones in a long time. I grabbed my phone to text Hawks but instead I saw this

Sorry kid I got put on an extra shift. I can't come help with your heat :/

I sighed and whimpered in pain. I got up and put on sweats and a muscle shirt to be comfortable. I walked out to the common room which I expected to be empty since no one gets up until 6 but to my surprise I saw kaminari half asleep on the couch. But he perked up when he saw me

"hey midorya dude why you up?" he asked me but I didn't feel like answering. Instead with my omega instincts I just walked over and laid in his lap and whimpered.

~kami's pov~

When midorya laid in my lap I was confused for a second but then I heard him whimper and remembered the conversation from yesterday when Hawks showed up. He must have started his heat and with no other alpha up or around he felt comfort with me.

I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around him. Soon I saw him fall asleep again. I smiled softly and soon I fell asleep too.

~izuku pov~
I woke up to warmth and to mumbles. I opened my eyes and looked around to see a sleeping kami. We must have fell asleep when I came out. I looked up to see Mina. Shoto. And kacchan standing around. K rubbed my eyes and got off kami seeing as he will need to get to school too.

Once I left his body I whimpered bc the pain came right back. That's when kami woke up and kacchan ran over to me and hugged me. Then I heard a slight growl from kami...odd

~kami's pov~

I woke up hearing izuku's whimper. It brought me right out if my sleep. Idk why I feel the way I do about him but I don't question it much. I look up to see bakugou run up to izuku and hug him. For some reason that maked my alpha instincts upset and I growled at him making him grow back.

"what the fuck is up with you extra?!" he basically screamed at me I wasn't sure what to say so I kinda just stared at him. That was until I smelled izuku's distress hormones. Even tho he is a strong omega he still has his instincts. When I smelled them I growled again and looked at izuku and softened my face.

"when is Hawks getting here?"

"he can't come" he spoke in a soft low voice. I sighed "why not?" I spoke kindly "he was forced to take another shift" he dug closer into bakugou and I heard someone else growl at it. I turned to see kirishima who looked shocked at himself for his instinct.

~izuku's pov~
I sighed at the few growls that are constantly there. But then I realized that kacchan's comfort wasn't even close to kami's that's when I realized something. I opened my eyes wide and grabbed kami's hand. My indicts told me to grab Kiri too so I did. I then dragged them to my dorm and closed the door. I looked at them both with the confused face I whimpered again from the strong pain I was feelings

"take your shirts off" I dammanded they both looked at each other confused hut did as I said. Once we all saw the marks on their collarbones they figured out where this was going. I took my shirt off and we all looked at each other in silence. Then Kiri spoke up

"we are mates"

640 words 😟 I hope you guys are liking this story! And thanks for 2 views 🥰

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