Ch2: Mama Little Pt 2

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Just as they were walking into the kitchen, Mothra began to feel the diaper that was on her sagging because she couldn't hold in her urine much longer.

Diana grabs a bottle from the cabinet and fills it with juice handing it to Mothra, but notices her pants sagging.

"Baby Girl, do you need to be changed?" She said, concerned.

Mothra nodded her head yes, in shame. 

 "I... I have been having trouble with this since my home island." She said, tears dripping down from her eyes

Diana gets down to Mothra's level, putting her hands in hers. 

 "Baby Girl, it's okay. You have nothing to be ashamed of." She said, in a reassuring voice.

Mothra hugged her and cried.

Diana hugged her back giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Let's get you changed sweetheart." She said, soothingly after she got Mothra some juice in a baby bottle.

Mothra sniffled and didn't realize that she had a bottle in her hand.

Diana stands back up.

"You can bring your bottle, Baby Girl." She said as she puts her hand out for the little to grab.

Mothra was trying to walk with Diana to their room.

A few minutes later, they came back and they saw that the egg was turned over to one side.

"I think it's going to hatch." Diana said, with pure excitement.

"Usually that's not how my egg hatches. My people do chants and dances while my priestesses Moll and Lora sing Mahara Mahara Mosura." Mothra said, remembering the first time she hatched.

"Oh okay. How about you call your priestesses to come while I stay with the egg until they come so they can help hatch the egg?" Diana said, wanting to help her feel comfortable.

Just as Mothra was about to say something, Moll and Lora appeared.

"Mahara... Mahara Mosura..." They began to sing together.

 "Mahara... Mahara...Mosura...." Diana said as she was beginning to sing along.

"Tama... Tama Mosura." Moll and Lora continued singing while the egg was glowing light blue on the inside.

Diana then continued singing with them as the egg began to glow even more.

Mama Little MothWhere stories live. Discover now