Ch3: Diana Jr and Steve

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10 to 15 minutes later, the egg hatched and there were two brown larvae that were about the size of Mothra in her moth form. 


Diana stands there in pure happy tears, picking up the babies and holding them close. 

 "They are so beautiful! They look just like you, Mothra!" She said, in awe as they were looking at the half human half moth larvae babies.

Mothra nodded her head yes.

"What should we name them?" Diana asked, looking from the babies back to her.

"Hmm... I'm not sure yet." Mothra said as both of the baby larvae saw the bottles and pacifiers on the floor.

They climbed down and went straight towards them.

"I think we should wait until we find out their genders first but in the meantime, it seems they are attracted to your bottles and your pacis." Diana said, giggling.

"They're curious." Mothra said as both of the larvae were now arguing.

Diana walks over to the two fighting larvae, scooping them both up to make them stop arguing.

Both of them chirped angrily at Diana.

"You two need to stop fighting that's not how we act when something's wrong we use our words" Diana said in a stern voice.

Mothra looked at both of her babies.

She realized something about them.

One was a girl and the other one was a boy.

Diana saw the look on her face lover's face.

"What's wrong, hun?" She said, with concern.

"Seeing what gender they are." Mothra said, looking at both of the babies.

" Do you think you know what they are?" Diana asked, really eager to know.

"One of them is a girl while the other one is a boy." Mothra said, looking from the babies back to her.

"We should name them now that we know their genders." Diana said, looking at Mothra and then at the babies.

"How about Diana Jr and Steve?" Mothra said, giving her a suggestion.

"Awww. I think those would be good names for them." Diana said, with a smile.

Just as they were playing with the babies, Mothra began to reminisce.

"I heard that Steve Trevor was your boyfriend and I'm sorry that you lost him but you have me and I named one of our kids after him because I knew him." She said, seeing that Diana was crying.

Diana couldn't help but sob more into Mothra. 

 She missed him dearly after loosing but having a son named after him meant a lot... Diana thought to herself.

"Are we... Are we still together?" Mothra asked, tears in her eyes.

"Y..yes we are. It's  just that I miss him a lot after that tragic accident he died in." Diana said, her voice still shaky through her tears. Mothra hugged her. 

 "He's still here but in Mothra larva form. He telecommunicated with me, saying that he wanted a kid named after him..." She said, rubbing Diana's back in reassurance.

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