Dear Best Friend

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I hope that your doing well, I hope you're genuinely happy... Since you left it has not been easy, But I wanted to say... Thank you!

Even though it broke me into a billion pieces when you left. Even though I miss you everyday. Even though doing this without you has been one of the most difficult things I've done in my life...

I wanted to say thank you...
Thank you for inspiring me
thank you for getting me to finally face my fears
thank you for making me feel like I didn't need to change, I didn't mean to be someone I wasn't...

You made me want to be happier, be myself, be confident! You made me feel like I had a right to be here on this planet, and you gave me a reason to stay here.

I wish you could see me now... I wish you could be here, to see me transform into a new me...

But you left...

And I just hope... That you are proud of me and what I am today.

I'm not mad... I'm just sad.. In pain..

You once said
" you can conquer the world with just one hand, as long as i'm hold my other one, of course!"

Now all I have left is the thought of you holding that hand...

No matter where I am! I am going to stay strong and stand tall! Because I know that's what you would want me to do....

Whatever success I'm celebrating, I will always thank you first before I thank myself or anyone else...


Because you're my biggest inspiration.

I'm going to be honest here...
I want to be proud of myself, I just want others to be proud of me, I want to have the ability to keep going.... I want to win even though you're not here to celebrate with me... I want to love myself and be loved by others... I want to be myself, I want to be honest with others I want so much... I want to be the light someone sees in this world,

You always said
" you have everything you need! It's tight inside of you! You have the strength to pick yourself back up whenever you fall! I know you can do this! I know you will.. "

And I know that, you told me that more then enough
I'll always remember, I'll remember your words whenever I'm alone, I'll always remember the words you told me when I was down on myself.

The person I saw inside of you can handle anything and everything. You strong, you're intelligent, you could move a mountain if you really wanted to...

I know I should believe in my self because you always believed in me


no matter what happens, no matter where I am, no matter what I'm doing or what I have done! I will always love you and thank you.

Until we meet again...


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