Dear Future Me

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What's it like? Being an adult I mean. I was always told that Being an adult was so hard because you had to worry about working, paying bill, finding a partner and taking care of kids, but as I sit in my bed writing this, being an adult isn't what scares me about growing up, it's with having the ability and freedom to do things that I usually wouldn't do because I don't want my friends or family to be left with the responsibility of cleaning up after me.

Most kids my age know what they want to do or have a vague idea of what they want 10 years from now. I am part of that group, I know what I want to do. My only worry is that I don't have the mental strength to be able to get myself there.

How am I supposed to be able to be a working adult if I can't even stop my self from using the blade from a pencil sharpener to make some marks on my body? If all I can eat in a day is some gum and water? If the only times I leave my room is when I'm forced to socialize with my family due to fear of being hit or kicked out?

With the way we as Gen Z were raised I'm scared for future me, I'm scared that I won't even make it past high school with the way things are going now.

But then again this is titled " dear Future me"
So why am I saying all this stuff and not sticking to the tittle

Because I want my future self to see the way I thought and the way I viewed things as a child.

- Unknown

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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