Dear Anyone. 1

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If I had to write a book about my life, and it had to start and end with the same line, I would start and end it with...

" Then I woke up"

Our lives are filled with random adventures, hardships, crying at the late hours of the night when no one can see or hear you, and coming up with things in our head. Not to mention the times when we were at our best but didn't know it until we were at our worst.

I would have everything be real until the last chapter or two when nothing would go  wrong and everything that I hoped to happen....Happened, just so at the end I could say " then I woke up" and the reader would realize that they were reading my dream the entire time.

I don't know how well the book would sell, or if anyone would like it, or if I would even finish writing it with the way I procrastinate,but I think it would be a crazy and random book.

I think by the time the reader finished the book, they would hate the people I hated, love the people I loved and probably hate me for the decisions I have made and will make in the future.

- Unknown

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