01: Space

559 26 14

My Kaiyah💕

Good Morning, Hyunnie💕

Morning, Kai

Are you alright? Do you want me to go to your apartment?

No, it's okay, maybe the paparazzi will follow you.

Are you sure you're alright? This is not how you chat with me...

I'm fine Kai, I think I just need some space...

What do you mean by "space"? 

That's not what I mean--

Do you mean...

You're tired of me?

No, it's not, I think I'm just s-sick

Sick and tired of me, hyun? What did I do wrong? Do you have a problem with me?

K-kai, look please let me explain...

you're trying to explain? explain what? Explain to me how much you needed space?

Please, Kai, look I'm very busy and someone bla--

Áhh so you mean you want me to stay away from you?

No Kai--

Why is this a sudden Taehyun? 

Kai look someone bla--

I don't want to listen anymore, here you go, I will give you space.

You can enjoy it now, all alone.

I can live without you, and I'm sure you found someone more interesting than me.


Alright Taehyun, I'll give you space.

Soobin-hyung was right, you will leave me someday and that day is today.

Please listen to me--


Please let me explain...

I'm so sorry...

S.L.U.T (Sweet Little Unforgettable Things)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora