Chapter 3

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It was the second day for the teen students.
Chase, buckles up his bike and notices Marshall.

Chase: Marshall!

Marshall: Chase!

The two new friends shake their hands.

Chase: Are you okay?

Marshall: Yes and you?

Chase: I'm fine.

Marshall: Where's Skye?

Chase: I don't know ... I think she's late.

The two friends enter the college where they notice a girl 1 year taller than them, and who is dressed in very strange clothes.

Marshall: Wow .... This girl is ...

Chase: I agree.

Marshall: .... beautiful.

Chase: What !? Do you find her beautiful? She's a prostitute! She does dirty things to make money!

Marshall: So what?

Chase: Man! She's the worst woman I've seen!

Marshall: You look at her by her clothes. But I look at her through her eyes and her heart ...

Chase: Ughh .... she doesn't even have a heart.

Marshall gets closer to this girl, Chase sighs and follows his friend.
Another boy arrives before Marshall to talk to this girl.

Everest: Where's my money !?

Boy: I told you that .... it's complicated for me ....

Everest gets angry and pulls the boy's hair.

Everest: I want my money !! You wanted to do it with me, I accepted to have money !!

Boy: T-tomorrow .... Please .... I'm sorry ...

Hearing these words, Marshall stops walking in shock.

Chase: See? This girl is a weirdo.

Marshall: I don't think so ..... she's lost .... she needs help.

Chase: Marshall! These types of girls are lost forever! They have no future!

Everest notices the awkward boy looking at her. She rolls her eyes and comes towards him.

Everest: Do you pay before or after?

Marshall: Huh?

Everest: 1 night 370 Dollars. 2 night 800 Dollars.

Marshall: I don't ... understand ...

Everest: And if you don't pay after, you will have to pay 50 dollars more.

Chase: Listen to me weirdo girl! Leave my friend! He didn't ask you for anything!

Everest: Ah ... I see. Are you these smart people who want me? In this case, 1 night for the 2 of you, it is 900 Dollars.

Chase: Come on Marshall!

Chase and Marshall leave and Everest shrugs. She returns to where she was, looking in her notebook who owes her money.

Marshall sits down on a bench and falls deeply in his thoughts.

Chase: You surely think about this girl? She wanted to have sex...

Marshall: No no ... I don't think about that! This girl is lost. We have to help her.

Chase: Marshall ... these types of girls are horrible! If you are looking for a girlfriend, look for another girl!

The school bell rings.

Chase: Get up. We have science lessons.

Marshall and Chase arrive in the classroom. They sit down and the teacher makes the roll call.

Professor: Chase!

Chase: Present!

Professor: Rocky!

Rocky: There!

Professor: Marshall!

Marshall: I'm here ...

Professor: Everest!

The professor calls Everest several times, but she is not there.

Professor: Okay .... Skye!

Chase: She's missing sir!

Someone knocks on the door, the door opens and it's Skye with messy hair.

Chase: Skye! You okay? What's happened!?

Professor: Sit down, Skye. There is a seat next to Zuma.

Chase has become very worried. He absolutely wants to know what happened with Skye.
The science class lasted 1 hour, but Chase didn't listen to anything. He was busy looking at Skye to see if she was okay. After the bell rings, Chase takes his schoolbag, and walks over to Skye.

Chase: Skye! You okay?

Skye: Aww you were worried about me?

Chase: N-not at all ...

Skye: Thanks Chase, you are very nice. This morning, when I left my house, I stepped on dog poop. I had to wash my shoes, but I hadn't seen that I was late. So I came running.

Chase: Oof! It's less serious than I thought!

Skye: This is Zuma! I met him in science class.

Zuma: Hi dude!

Chase: Hi Zuma! I'm Chase, Skye's friend. And here is Marshall!

Marshall: H-hi!

Zuma: Hey guys. He's Rocky, I met him yesterday.

Rocky: Hey!

Skye: What if we become a group of friends?

Rocky: It's a great idea!


Short chapter, I know.

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