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My name's Mary Dray. I'm eighteen, aro/ace, interested in medieval times, and what else...

Oh. Right. A vampire. 

Damn. Two minutes in, and I'm already being melodramatic. I mean, I guess I have a right to be melodramatic. I was deprived of the right to tell my own story for over a hundred years, and I was mostly written out of it, too. Like, hello? I was there. 

Anyway, I happen to be a combination of nameless and infamous, seeing as I'm a Bride of Dracula. Not a fan of that term, though, seeing as I was never a bride, a servant, or a concubine of anybody. The Wards of Dracula would probably be about right. 

I'm only writing this because I am sick and tired of being so sidelined. Get over yourself, Van Helsing. You're not nearly important enough to this story that you put in all your lengthy speeches, and yet my name isn't even worth mentioning? 


Anyway, I hope you enjoy the show! 

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